Suggested theme - tribute to a loved one that has passed on . . .

July 2nd, 2013
My mother recently passed away and now I find myself looking for her in places and things that we shared. I am sure I am not alone. I would like to suggest a theme challenge to compose a photographic tribute in memory of a loved one. Any interest??
July 2nd, 2013
Laurie, I'm interested. I know how you feel. When you have more details, let me know:)
July 2nd, 2013
So sorry. Here's a hug. Yes, I would love to partake.
July 2nd, 2013
@paula365 @traceyhn I will let you all know. I'm not sure how to start one, but I will find out!
July 2nd, 2013
@traceyhn @traceyhn And thank you for the love.
July 2nd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 I am so sorry to learn of your loss. I lost my mom two years ago. It is so hard. This was just kne photo as tribute to my mom, but it is a similar idea I guess...a way to honor my mom who had just passed away.
July 2nd, 2013
@espyetta I feel your pain, but I now have more good days than sad days, so I know time eases the pain. I love your creative tribute. I hope the memories you created with her carry you through the rest of your life and that you are able to smile more than cry. Hugs! And a follow!
July 2nd, 2013
@espyetta , i'd not seen the MaryBeth. That is really great:)
July 2nd, 2013
@paula365 Isn't it??
July 2nd, 2013
@paula365 thanks! I was glad I found the heart shared pic in a frame at her house and that she loved down the block from my childhood home.
July 2nd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 it does get better. At first, your brain forgets that it has happened...and then you remember and feel how strangely different life has become ...I hated those jolts of reality. Then, you slowly reset your brain...start defining yourself as one who has lost her mother. It is sad, but that helped me. Now I can talk about her, hear her "talking to me" or think of a memory. And just smile. Most of the time.
July 2nd, 2013
@espyetta Well said. Have you lost your dad too? I have, and when my mom passed, I felt like an orphan, and in another sense, like I was an adult for the first time at the age of 51! Very bizarre and unexplainable feeling. Your comment about jolts of reality is so true . . . how many times I have wanted to pick up the phone because I forgot and then it hits me . . . continue to think happy thoughts, and I think I have found a new friend!! :)
July 2nd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 And I see you live in Atlanta . . . not too far down the road from me!!
July 2nd, 2013
I'm sorry for your loss. I recently lost my grandfather and would love to participate. Keep me posted!
July 2nd, 2013
@espyetta What a great shot!
July 2nd, 2013
@islandk8 It's so hard, isn't it? Sorry for your loss - maybe some photographic therapy is in order for us all! I will keep you updated.
July 2nd, 2013
July 2nd, 2013
This is a photograph I took of some crosses that belonged to my mom . . . here's the post for that day:

Last Gift
111 / 365
I cannot even begin to explain how much these crosses mean to me. My mother wore these crosses constantly. She got them when she was baptized in the Greek Orthodox faith. After being sick and in and out of the hospital, my mother was having one last surgery. She handed these crosses to me before the surgery and asked me to take care of them. She had the surgery, came out fine, and went to a nursing home. She forgot to ask for the crosses. She seemed to be pulling out of the illness that she had sustained (this was on a Thursday), but late Monday night, I got a phone call from the nursing home. She suffered a "stroke" and she was rushed to the hospital. Although she did not die that night, she was brain-dead. We had to make the decision to let God have her. She went peacefully, and her whole family was there . . . it was somehow comforting to us, and in some way, I hope she sensed us there. So, this is the last gift we will ever receive from her, and we all cherish the special crosses. I don't know the religious significance of each cross, but I know the personal one that I hold so dear.
July 2nd, 2013
This was my first fav on 365! I still go back and look at these.
July 2nd, 2013
I have a dictionary app on my phone so I look at it everyday. There are little tid bits of info (new every day) today they had an arty term "assemblage" it's a
3D sculpture of sorts, made up of several individual items. Anyway, I'm going to put together these two ideas: assemblage photo tribute of a loved one who has passed. Good luck to me. And I'm going to enter it in your challenge. Thanks for the inspiration!
July 2nd, 2013
@traceyhn First of all, honored at your first FAV - what a thrill!! And second, I love your idea. I was thinking I need to get a little notebook and jot down my ideas for composition as I started running through my mind how to enter my own challenge - crazy!! I really like your idea and I'm going to look into it! Good luck!
July 2nd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 A wonderful idea. I shot this one for my Nan last week.
July 2nd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 -sending u love and hug-may ur mom rest in peace.and God bless:)
July 2nd, 2013
Back on the 28th March I took a photo in remembrance and as a tribute to my late father
July 2nd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 Lovely idea. My condolences to you, sorry to learn of your mother's passing.
July 2nd, 2013
My mother died in November 2011 soon after I started 365 and it was only this site that kept me going. I found it something to encourage me when she was dying and I posted this picture in July 2012 because like you, I thought of her often and at that time I felt so lost without her. It does get easier as I now think of all the nice things we did together. Mum loved roses that my father had planted and he had died 20 years earlier so I always think of them both when the roses are in full bloom. This is the picture I posted as a tribute to my mum

I know that she would have liked this one and I took her a rose bud into the nursing home just days before she died
July 2nd, 2013
@jodimuli Thank you so much! I appreciate it! :)
July 2nd, 2013
@greenpeg David - very wonderful story about the gorse, and I now appreciate its significance. Isn't it curious yet comforting that these seemingly ordinary things can mean so much to us?
July 3rd, 2013
@rosiekind Rosie - just beautiful - I can smell its delicate fragrance. Thank you for sharing your story. I know that this site has helped me work through a lot of feelings, and for me, writing is therapeutic, so using visual images that engage me and stimulate me is a perfect match for the writing. My grandmother loved roses and had them just about everywhere, and to this day, while I'm not keen on many flower smells, roses always comforts me and makes me think of my loving grandmother. Following you and a FAV!
July 3rd, 2013
My maw-maw used to perm her hair all the time, so today when I got my hair permed, I took this shot of myself because it reminded me of her so much.
July 3rd, 2013
@espyetta Mary Beth captures this so well. My mother is still well at 90, but her comments remind me so much of when my father died. That idea of a jolt really captures the feeling. I would find myself thinking that I wanted to tell him something, then that jolt that I couldn't. It does get easier with time, remembering the shared times and the happiness instead of the empty feeling.
July 3rd, 2013
@taffy :0) I have had two times to figure out that that was what was going on...once when my dad died in 2007 and then my mom in 2011. In many senses, time does heal the wound. But every now and then, you sort of rip it back open for a moment. Those moments stink, but mostly I just remember my mom as her happy, younger self....and all the good times and how LUCKY I was to have her for even 10 or 20 years of my life, much less 46 years.
July 3rd, 2013
@taffy @espyetta Well put, ladies. My dad wasn't as big a part of my life as my mother, although Ioved him dearly for who he was as well as who he wasn't, so for me, the loss of my mother hurts more deeply than I ever thought it could. She really was my only parent, as they divorced and I had to move from New York to South Carolina at 14 1/2 years old (talk about culture shock!). I wholeheartedly understand those reality jolts. For the longest time, I even kept her number on my phone and would call (even though it said disconnected) just to comfort myself a little. So when those jolts happen, to me, it feels like being thrown against a wall or falling down steps, but they are getting less painful. Hugs to you both.
July 3rd, 2013
@lbluejaye8 Thank you for the follow and your kind words.
July 3rd, 2013
My husband was killed in a car accident not long after I started this project in 2010. Most of my project is a tribute to him in one way or another.
But this is a little something I put together for my children to celebrate the force of nature that was their father and how much he valued family above all else....
July 3rd, 2013
@corymbia Amanda - if I could reach through the screen and give you hug, I would! I'm crying over the touching video you put together - your husband's memory lives on in his beautiful children (and I mean gorgeous!) and I can only imagine that they are just as beautiful inside! He would be super proud of them and you for learning how to get through life without him. I am inspired by your video and really think we have made a connection. I am so happy that this tribute suggestion (and we haven't even started the competition yet!!) has brought so many of us together. I feel renewed every time I see that little red message thing at the top of this page and click on it and read these remarkable stories! I have a new friend in Australia and I'm a followerer now! Thank you for taking the time to sto and share your story and amazing video with me, Amanda!
July 4th, 2013
@lbluejaye8 Now you have ME in tears. Thank you. XX
July 4th, 2013
@corymbia Kleenex needed everywhere!
July 4th, 2013
I will start this challenge after the theme-retro challenge ends this weekend. I am going to figure this out - can't be too hard, and I say we already have some winners - just scroll up!!
July 4th, 2013

My dad died in 1997 and I always used his coffee mug after that. Then I dropped it and kept a shard for a long time until a former classmate took the shard and made it into necklaces.
July 4th, 2013
@pandorasecho What a beautiful idea and a loving friend! Thank you for sharing. I have several of my mom's coffee cups, too, and I cannot even tell you how many cups of coffee we shared. My favorite cup is her tiger-print coffee mug . . . she loved tigers! Her screen name was "Tygerlulu" (her dog's name was Lulu). :)
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