Giving it up for lent.

March 5th, 2014
Ok not sure how this is going to go down but I was reading a black and white magazine. There was a really good article about a photographer that only shoots with a 50mm lens and sets his camera at 1/1000 and f1.8. It made me think about all the gear and choices we make every time we press the shutter.
Well as it's lent I thought what could I give up out of my kit. Well everything for 40 days it's going to be my 35mm lens and in homage to the photographer f1.8 and 1/1000 of a second it is!
I've done this for two days and so far it's been quite liberating not worrying about choice of lens and all that stuff it's just about finding the photo you can take!

I forgot to add what are you going to give up for photo lent?
March 5th, 2014
This should be interesting :)
March 5th, 2014
I've done a 50/50 (fifty pics with my 50mm) this summer and it is indeed very liberating not having to worry about choosing a lens.
March 5th, 2014
Nice challenge. Are you allowed to adjust WB and ISO?
March 5th, 2014
Many people don't know that if you count up the forty days it doesn't include the Sundays - so on Sunday you CAN "indulge". I am giving up playing Candy Crush (I have wasted far to much time on this) and organising/decluttering.
March 5th, 2014
Yes, restricting yourself can be very liberating, you start thinking about the image a whole lot more then! I've shot a few weddings with just a 50mm lens (except for the group shot!) and it was fun!

What am I giving up? I think it'll be checking the stats on here and my blog, I become obsessed with them!
March 5th, 2014
Hmmm. I hadn't thought about a photo sacrifice for Lent. I'll have to get back to you. I like the idea.
March 6th, 2014
I'm going to mostly give up 365, I decided today. I've never done lent before. But I felt the need to do something this year. I intended to cut waaay back this year, but still post daily. I think that I will post only if I absolutely must or have something amazing or important to share. And my weekly mad hatters shot. I like your idea, though.
March 6th, 2014
@chapjohn I thought long and hard about WB and ISO. I'm allowing myself WB but not ISO as that's part of the "exposure triangle"
@annemary I had to remove candy crush from all my mobile devices and go cold turkey for a week!
March 6th, 2014
A really good idea! I wish I had thought of it before. But I have other Lent plans, and may try to incorporate this. See my Ash Wednesday day. It is good to reduce choices, makes us more creative and less anxious!
March 6th, 2014
Last year I gave up shooting color for Lent, which was an interesting experiment.
March 6th, 2014
@chippy1402 I have gone cold turkey for a month from 365 - now uploading again
March 8th, 2014
I've given up colour - going black and white for Lent!! :0)
March 9th, 2014

Having started with a p&s eleven years ago and knowing only that about taking shots, for me photography has always been about finding and taking the photo. I think it honed my compositional skills!
Last year I did a digital photography course and bought more sophisticated kit. But I never want to cope with the complications of DSLR - so it's hard to think what I could give up for Lent.
I like your dog shot and was interested to hear about the restrictions that photographer placed on himself!
March 9th, 2014
@quietpurplehaze I started out many years ago with an old, not then , Canon FTB with a 50mm lens and spent many a happy day with a 36 exposure black and white film and processing in the darkroom.
The DSLR does add complications but also allows a lot more interpretation of a scene. I'm doing this to if you like re learn my old eye for a scene then re expand my use of the kit I have to hand to further explore those.
March 9th, 2014

You have a sound idea I think, Peter. Good to stand back and re-assess from time to time. My favourite camera now is a Fuji X20 and I just know a DSLR would make photography too complicated for me.
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