Toys on 365 - Appreciate a Dragon

January 12th, 2015
Are you guys settled yet after the festivities? Still sticking to your resolutions? Given up on them or forgot them? We have!

And we noted that you had fun last week, too, splashing and sliding as we did.

Hey, Danbo and Snowy, that water crown is awesome! @pixiemac

And yours, too, Stwo! Way to go!!! @grammyn

Little Danny went a-sledding with Big Bo and Benny Bear and he looked so cute in his little bonnet @lyndemc

Finally, we are delighted to meet Pinguino as he surveyed the big puddle that is the swimming pool for humans @Weezilou

Thank you all for participating.

So what's next? We're thinking 'Dragons'. Whoa, yes!

We are honouring that legendary creature since on Friday, January 16th, it is Appreciate a Dragon Day and we, along with our human friends, are going to explore the cultural significance of the Dragon in our society and history. Won't you share yours?

Please tag your photos "365TOYS-DRAGON"

January 12th, 2015
Benny, Bo and Danny are tickled that their picture was showcased here with other Toys have a splashing good time. Thanks! Now they're off to search for dragons.
January 12th, 2015
Adorable! I love all of these photos. I love dragons, too! So, I hope to participate this week!
January 12th, 2015
Cool, so glad we stayed with the dragon theme! It will be fab to see what all the toys from all he 365ers come up with.

@Weezilou @lyndemc @grammyn @pixiemac
Fabulous posts everyone, thanks for playing with our group! The toys are always so happy when there are more of them to play with and they love seeing the adventures of other toys from around the world! The more the merrier!!
January 12th, 2015
@lyndemc Love it Denise! Can't wait to see your dragon story.
January 12th, 2015
Well Steve already has armour and a diamond sword. There may be some dragon slaying ahead.
January 12th, 2015
P.d'Penguino is blushing so hard, it may melt the snow in his mask! He asked me to send thanks for the recognition, and today he was dancing with glee in the drought-breaking rain here in So California... Well...maybe not drought-breaking, but we'll gladly take what we can get! He knows assuredly that a dragon came to reside in Chicago over Christmas, so he'll be calling for an appointment to seek him out...stay tuned!
January 12th, 2015
That sounds like fun and my my little boy would love that theme - he loves dragons. My plans for the week don't so much time for photography but I will at least try to come up with something.
January 13th, 2015
I'm not sure how to participate in this, so I deleted the tag on my dragon. Can you explain better? I read the 365toy blurb.
January 13th, 2015
@melston - easy-peasy! just post a photo of your dragon or dragons in your album, and tag 365toys-dragon so we can see your post. if the dragon has a story to tell, the better. looking forward to see your postings! thank you.
January 13th, 2015
@karlow75 - noooo! :-) dragons are our friends! except of course it's a bad meany dragon. a diamond sword? post away, my friend! thank you.
January 13th, 2015
@Weezilou - anxiously waiting! :-)
January 13th, 2015
@marenh - we've been missing you and your toys!
January 13th, 2015
I love dragons, this is such a cool theme. Just posted a picture:
January 15th, 2015
Ahh! I love this group!
January 17th, 2015
awesome theme...I've dragged out my dragon Lucky :)
January 17th, 2015
@winshez Cool, can't wait to see your Lucky!
January 17th, 2015
@amyamoeba So glad Amy, thank you!
January 17th, 2015
@spock Me too! I love your St George and the Dragon pic, very cool as I said!
January 17th, 2015
@365toygroup how long does this run for?
January 18th, 2015
@neatz HI Anita
The themes run for a week from Monday to Sunday, so today, Sunday 18th is the last day for this one.

A new theme will be posted sometime today which will start tomorrow.
Hope that helps?

@summerfiled Vikki, perhaps we need to be a little clearer about the start and end dates for the themes in the posts?
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