5+2 self portraits--- childhood games

January 22nd, 2018
Just in case you didn't already know...
5+2 is a self portrait group of 7 people, one self portrait for each day of the week.
We have WEEKLY THEMES and we invite the 365 community not only to view our self-portraits, but to PARTICIPATE , we love it when people join in, it's not a competition, just a FUN thing each week
All that is needed is tagging ones own self portrait with the correct tag.
. We will feature our picks of the best self portraits contributed by others in our weekly post.

Self portraits can be fun, artistic , humourous, introspective, therapeutic, cathartic, challenging, a straight up shot, or a chance to work on your post processing skills, and the model will be cooperative and always available! You dont have to even show your face, disguises and a bit of creative license can go a long way to make you feel comfortable in front of the lens.

Lets give a bit of love to our inner child this week with some whimsy and nostalgia and picture ourselves playing our favorite childhood games
tag is fiveplustwo-childhoodgames

Exploration took us on some very varied trips and we hope you enjoyed it, Here are some wonderful ones from some of you,
fantastic work!

Sheralee was about to have a close encounter on a country road @bella_ss

Wendy had just the rocketship she needed to go interstellar @wenbow

and Rebecca @guttersniperebeccca took the journey inward.

see you in the playground

January 22nd, 2018
Welcome, especially to all our new followers, we tag you in the hope you will join in with our themes and appreciate the headsup, if this is at all annoying please let us know and we will remove your name from the tag list, !
@365projecttaylor @365projectorgangelabrown y @abhijit @adi314 @aecasey @aikiuser @akphoto @aleksandra @alijchapman @amandal @amrita21 @amyamoeba @amyleewinfield @annied @anotherhouseblog @aprilmilani @azpete68 @basqgirl @baznman @bella_ss @beluga @blueberry1222 @bobfoto @bookthiefsfriend @breiavictoria @brett101 @brianarmoured @brigette @browngirl @bsh @bsheppard @bug @carla42 @caroline11820 @carys @catsmeowb @catwhiskers @cazink @ceilidh @cgarner @christinabengephotography @chriswang @christophercox @claycameras @cocobella @coreylablansphotography @cotoole @craigwantsnack @cyn_kirby @daphne1212 @dave_l @davidrobinson @deadschool @deborah63 @deburahiru @deliad @denidouble @dh @dide @dougapic @domenicododaro @dtigani @dutts @dyanstevens @edie @ekaterina @elishajae @emilychadderton @epcello @ethelperry @fallingstar @fauxtography365 @fbailey @fearinnocent @fernandocrespo @flashster78 @flyrobin @frappa77 @francoise @frida @g_meus @gark @gavincci @gazdi @gerry13 @gigiz @ginaanderson @golab @graemestevens @granagringa @grizzlysghost @gq @gypsylady @guttersniperebeccca @habit @hjbenson @henrir @homefarm @hopess13 @houdiniem @houser934 @hvansteenburgh @hwhittle77 @ianforbes @ikamera @iliketobeweird @inthecloud5 @ira @iridiscentmind @irisn @izzymathie @izzyromilly @jack2201 @jack4john @jackie8 @jantan @jaynefos365 @jeetee @jlindros @jmrittle @jo38 @jocasta @jocee @johannaf @johnfalconer @jonesy1 @jothan @jporcaro @judithdeacon @juleshoogstraanderson @juliedduncan @kali66 @kandkids @karliam17 @kategoring @katharinehubbard @kathyboyles @kr57 @katiamarieg @katrinanz @kazlamont @keclark @kerosene @kimkyra @kirkjoshua @kittikat @kiwiellen @kiwinanna @kjarn @kriegundliebe @kymmisue @kt8ird @lam @lambda @lan @lasousa @lauraruth @leephotoofyork @leigh7900 @lenimiss @lesliebixler @liesbeth24 @lifepause @lillula @lindseying @lisatown @lissylis @lizhammond @louuncouth @lpiscit2 @ludgate @luvmynynix @luvthyclassics @mace508 @macromover @maggie2 @maggiemae @maishanny @mamabec @mara19500 @marie65 @mariyakey @martinstoj @mastermek @mathilde22cat @mbrunner @mcrt @megstorey @mei_photography @mellowmandy @micetro @michellespage @michelleyoung @mickster @mikegifford @misandriatemporal @miller_d @misterkitty @mlulu191 @moonmtn @mornegrewe @moviegal1 @mrsc19 @mrspedwards @mrstull @mtpagano @my_photofun @mzzhope @nadaa @nanderson @natcastillejo @neatz @netkonnexion @northy @not_left_handed @nthomas28 @olenadole @ontiveros @oreos808 @ounooi @overalvandaan @paign @palmilla @pamgleason @pamknowler @pammerritt @panthora @paulie @pdulis @peeliks @pepeblond @peterdegraaff @photohoot @photographynewbie @pittcj17 @pixelchix @pocketmouse @projectx @recreateme @redy4et @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @rockinrobyn @romeheather @roseolivia @rosiekind @rookynook @royb40 @roykarlsvik @runestone @ryanarra2 @s4sayer @salza @sanaaijaz @saran @sarraphoto @sassik @sassyinma @scotthouston @seejillrun @semjaja @sgianettoni @sianipops @sidecar @skjgraphics @sknutson @slash @sleepingbeauty @smevvy @snaphappi @snoopybooboo @snowflakes86 @sophienett @sparkle @squamloon @sstcowan @stacypie @stephanies @steffguayante @stephanies @stephlisa87 @stefneyhart @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @supervictorious @susale @sveyo @swillinbillyflynn @taffy @tammyputney @tammynicole @tctime @tealgarciaphotography @teamquavers @teresamaro @tetonia @theemptyroom @thejazzyj @theseven @thomastoth @thresheg @timewalker @tigerdreamer @tori_shaw @totallyevita @tracie8266 @tracys @transatlantic @trbo @tremerryn @vagabondframe @vignouse @voiceprintz @vera365 @wamstreet @wanabe @wasp @webfoot @weezilou @welshgirl @wenadee @wenbow @wendyhgill @wildernesswillie @wilhelmreitz @willowidk @yaorenliu @ylvalie @zoegriffin_ @alophoto @365projectjadekatphotography
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