The self-portrait theme for the coming week is FANTASY , so if you can imagine it, wish it, daydream, make-believe, pretend or fantasize about it, you can play along and take a selfie or dream something up in photoshop with your face on it,
tag will be fiveplustwo-fantasy.
Underwear adjectives didnt abound but there were still some great selfies
Francesca @frappa77 pinged her darned annoying itchy uncomfortably tight bra strap
tag will be fiveplustwo-fantasy.
Underwear adjectives didnt abound but there were still some great selfies
Francesca @frappa77 pinged her darned annoying itchy uncomfortably tight bra strap
Slava @slava of @projectx swanned around in next to nothing
and Francoise may have been darning her smalls :) @francoise
have a good week everyone, and have a fantasy