The Object Challenge

January 21st, 2011
Have you ever thought of how crazy it is that the people on this site, or photographers and artists in general can look at the same exact subject in such a different way? That we can find one object, yet the photographs that spawn from our imaginations of that exact same object are completely and totally different.
I propose a weekly challenge! Each week, on Friday, I will name an object that we all take a photo of. Then we post them on this thread and see how completely different each of us saw that object! (and of course suggestions for objects each week are COMPLETELY welcome!)
How about this week we do...*drumroll please*....a soda can.
Put your creative caps on people...what can YOU do with a soda can??
Let's tag this week's can "objectchallenge-can".
January 21st, 2011
Here's my can for ya:

January 21st, 2011
i'm in!!!!
January 21st, 2011
I'm down for this, and not solely because it gives me an excuse to go buy some 7up.
January 21st, 2011
Ok, I'll keep an eye out for a soda can. ;-)
January 21st, 2011
great idea!
January 21st, 2011
i'll try it... just any day during the week?
January 21st, 2011
ILL DO IT FOR TOMORROW'S! yey!!! =) great idea!
January 21st, 2011
Good idea, definitely looking forward to this.
January 21st, 2011
@martypurks yep, just pick one day of the week to do your shot, that way if you have a dry day, don't know what to photograph, it's an idea!
January 21st, 2011
Fantastic idea and I already have the perfect can in mind!!! Now I can't wait to get home and play. Thanks for the awesome idea. I am always up for a good challenge and something that is just once per week is perfect. =D
January 21st, 2011
Sounds fun!
January 21st, 2011
I like this idea about as much as I like your can photo. Which is to say, quite a bit :)
January 21st, 2011
Is a Monster can okay?
January 21st, 2011
amazing idea i think! I will appreciate more contest going on there :)
January 21st, 2011
I know that it's a silly question, but you know, we don't have soda cans I think in my country, any other can is ok,? (coca.cola, bear, fanta,...)
January 21st, 2011
@parkstally yeah!! any aluminum can at all I think
January 21st, 2011
Haha, that's what Mallory, Craig, Deb and I do on Fridays :)
January 21st, 2011
brilliant idea :)
January 21st, 2011
Cool idea!! :)
January 21st, 2011
Love It! Can't wait and I get to drink soda what is better then that :-)
January 21st, 2011
Sounds like fun!
January 21st, 2011
fun, like this!
January 21st, 2011
good idea...will a beer can
January 21st, 2011
@loriromp lol!!!! Why will!
January 21st, 2011
Great idea Amy. I don't buy drinks in cans so I'll wait until next weeks challenge.
January 21st, 2011
gonna try and think of something to do for it :) hmmmm thinking caps on
January 21st, 2011
I posted mine! If you need a good smile/laugh you might want to check it out :p
January 21st, 2011
Awesome idea!!!
January 21st, 2011
i CAN think of some shots for this challenge! (lame) :D
January 21st, 2011
I'm off to go take a photo... I know where some cans are right now! Getting cold in my fridge. :)
January 21st, 2011
fun! thinking. . .
January 21st, 2011
@nellycious baha lol
January 21st, 2011
@meggageg ok yours is AWESOME! you should post it up here!
January 21st, 2011
January 21st, 2011
@meggageg omg i love it!!
January 22nd, 2011
@dyoung365 @meggageg yes, that's very creative!!
January 22nd, 2011
@meggageg ~ Great work!!!!
January 22nd, 2011
January 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows whoa!!! Sweet! How did you get the smoke?
January 22nd, 2011
@amyhughes Wrote up the process here on my blog thing :)
January 22nd, 2011
... then this happened, and I liked the pattern.

January 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows Man,that expired in Nov. ,2000? ....
January 22nd, 2011
I sure hope not @spaceman I only bought it today! Then again I reckon 7up probably behaves like a fine wine and only gets better with age...
January 22nd, 2011
Challenge accepted. Just a macro shot though :\

January 22nd, 2011
@eyebrows oh I like that pattern too!
January 22nd, 2011
@bobtimmons this is cool! Those etchings so close make then look like they are so much deeper than they really are. Great texture
January 22nd, 2011
here's mine!!
January 22nd, 2011
@meshinka oh yes!! Reminds me of andy warhol's coca cola bottles awesome
January 22nd, 2011
Here's mine. Eh
January 22nd, 2011
@melmellow not eh!! What is that effect? I love it!
January 22nd, 2011
hahahaha thats why you wanted one!! haha
January 22nd, 2011
@amyhughes I shot in B&W added a gradient color and a gaussian blur. Thank you !
January 22nd, 2011
January 22nd, 2011
... no soda... all I have in the house is a can of beer (not even an overly tasty one)...!

January 22nd, 2011
This is FUN! Thanks for the challenge.
January 22nd, 2011
@yoori Stella Artois, one of my favorites.
January 22nd, 2011
Hey I shot one! ;)

January 22nd, 2011

That one is mine.
January 22nd, 2011
Tne trials of recording ... getting a decent balance in your "cans" ...

January 22nd, 2011

heres my can shot :)
ive not used this on my 365 , im using a different one but thought id add this here :)
January 22nd, 2011
1st attempt

January 22nd, 2011
Don't try this at home, kids!

Not because cutting cans up is inherently dangerous, but because cutting a 7up can up and sticking a plastic figurine from an old Japanese comic inside it and pretending the figurine built the "armour" itself as part of an ongoing war against you is straight retarded.
January 22nd, 2011

just a little coke :)
January 22nd, 2011
@brandywalker365 I love this! Haha!
January 22nd, 2011
Fun challenge - thanks, Amy!

Second version:

From 365Project Themes
January 22nd, 2011
@brandywalker365 Good one!! :)
January 22nd, 2011
January 22nd, 2011
@tad2106 Wow that is an amzing shot.. love the focus !
January 22nd, 2011
@nanascraps How did you do that? I'm impressed!
January 22nd, 2011
I like this idea! Will definitely get a shot of one this week!
January 22nd, 2011
These are great!
I must buy a can of something so I can participate!
January 22nd, 2011
@kjarn Is there a bin anywhere near you? ;)
January 22nd, 2011

heres mine :)
January 22nd, 2011
@redkite - as in a garbage bin to get a used can out of?
January 22nd, 2011
Here is mine. :)
January 22nd, 2011
what a great subject.
January 22nd, 2011
January 22nd, 2011
@kjarn Yup. They are recycled here.. so plenty of them around. clean ones I mean,
January 22nd, 2011
@redkite - we do have recycling places here too but they are few and far between plus people get paid to take their cans there. I'm sure all the local garbage bins would have plenty in them along with all the garbage - no thank you!

I could always go and buy a can of something but after seeing all the absolutely amazing entries into this competition I really can't be bothered.
January 23rd, 2011
What a great idea!! It was so fun even just browsing through all these shots!
January 23rd, 2011

When everyone is water, I am lemonade
January 23rd, 2011
January 23rd, 2011
January 23rd, 2011
Here's mine whihc I have just posted:

January 23rd, 2011
Funnily enough, this fit with a bunch I took today under the theme of "things they can climb" in relation to some small dolls I have. A soda can worked well.

January 23rd, 2011
@meggageg Great shot!
Excellent idea @amyhughes ..... :)
January 23rd, 2011
@amyhughes excellent idea! amy! ♥♥♥
January 23rd, 2011
@lillyfox COOOLLL!!! No bullets, eh?
January 23rd, 2011
January 23rd, 2011

Here's my entry titled "Bitter rivals"
January 23rd, 2011

Here's my entry!
January 23rd, 2011
really cool (and FUN!) idea, amy.... wish Iahad known it sooner and I could have done a CAN photo for today.... will do this next Friday... :))
January 23rd, 2011
January 23rd, 2011
@rudit You've got all week to knock one out if you want to!! It's a week long thing, though you only need to do one day's worth so it doesn't consume your week :) I'm anxious to see!!
January 23rd, 2011
@amyhughes - aaaaah great... thanks for explaining this further.... will try one out this coming week... :))
January 23rd, 2011
@whaste hahaha!!! brilliant! what cute candles!
January 23rd, 2011
@whaste btw how the heck is that can leaning to the side? ... lol
January 23rd, 2011
@miraries Love that shot!!!
January 23rd, 2011
Had a nice recycling day :-) Recycled my Monster ripper can into a monsterly stunning gift box :-)
January 23rd, 2011
Flowers in a Can

Recycle soda cans to a flower pot.
January 23rd, 2011
this is my entry.. i hope it is worthy!
January 23rd, 2011
@amyhuges Great idea!! Already so many fun entries too! It's nice to have different themes to keep us all inspired and creative. I'll have to think something fun up. Thanks for adding this! :)
January 23rd, 2011
Great idea!! :DDDD

January 23rd, 2011
This Challenge + my newfound friend, Flaming Pear + My wonky sense of humor = my submission. Fun!!

January 23rd, 2011
@ivy_box wow incredible!!!
January 23rd, 2011
@sdpace hehe I already commented on your pic...but I have to say again how great this is!
January 23rd, 2011
@amyhughes Haha thanks! :) I never thought I'd be 1) laying on the ground taking a picture of Jesus and a Dr. Pepper can, or 2) using "render clouds" for the 2nd time in week. hehehe
January 23rd, 2011
January 24th, 2011
@sdpace lol awesome idea... what exactly does Dr Pepper taste like?
January 24th, 2011
@robynelizabeth 23 flavors of HEAVEN!! :D Jesus even gives it the thumbs up, so there ya go. But seriously, do you not have Dr. Pepper in Australia?
January 24th, 2011
This one of mine was from August and the 4th photo from my project
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
@sdpace nope.
January 24th, 2011
@robynelizabeth OMG!! We have the Dr. Pepper bottling company here in town (Dallas, TX). Wonder If I could FedEx you one!?! @tolpol No kidding, right? I'm sure there are things in Australia that I have never tried and would love to!
January 24th, 2011
@sdpace Tim Tams!!! I will have to take a pic for you... they are so yummy..
January 24th, 2011
@sdspace. Australia has friggin amazing chocolates. Ask for some of those, lol. I am from Arkansas but I have a friend from another site who is from Australia who sent me some as a secret santa thing a few years back. I don't remember the name of them but they were great.
January 24th, 2011
Such fun! Check out my other can photos if you want:

January 24th, 2011
@shutterbug0810 oh this is great!
January 24th, 2011
@amyhughes Thanks Amy! Let me take this opportunity to thank you for the challenge :-)
January 24th, 2011
@shutterbug0810 its gotten some amazing photos, huh? Im pretty thrilled by it! So much fun to look at all these.
January 24th, 2011
@amyhughes It really has! I was just looking through them, and thinking I need to go buy some Pepsi throwback cans and have some more fun!
January 24th, 2011
It takes an icy cold soft drink to get my motor running in the morning.
January 24th, 2011

I just loved the look of these cans. Glad of the excuse to take some snaps of them. I like how Golden Circle (an Australian Fruit juice company) has used internet lingo LOL (Lots of Laughs or Laughing Out Loud) to appeal to a younger market. I like the bizarre thought of a laughing can. The sparkly sodafied juice is pretty good too.
January 24th, 2011
@robynelizabeth - next challenge Tim Tams?
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
@amyhughes haha, no, the parentals said that it was a no go :P
January 24th, 2011
@sdpace We did have Dr Pepper for awhile about 12 years ago. It was a really popular drink at our local pub for about a year....was definately a fad.
January 24th, 2011
@shutterbug0810 Love your can photo!
January 24th, 2011
@trudip what state was that in?
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
Not sure if I was supposed to tag it or post it here or both... or even if it counts since it's not soda. Anyway...
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
@kimshawball Thanks!
January 24th, 2011
@natew214 WOW!! too cool!
January 24th, 2011
@robynelizabeth oh NICE
January 24th, 2011
Here's my 2nd :)

January 24th, 2011
@sdpace hahahaha ok that's great :)
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
January 24th, 2011
Great idea! Love what everybody's doing. Here's my contribution for this week:
January 24th, 2011
Here's mine! Maybe not 100% what I was going for, but I think it came out ok :)

January 24th, 2011
@elisabeth that's so cool!! So creative!! I'm going to post it up here for you so no one has to click the link: Here ya go.

January 24th, 2011
@polarvrtx oh I love the drops being in focus and the can blurry! wonderful!
January 24th, 2011
@amyhughes Ahh! Thank you very much! Still figuring out how to work some of the stuff on the site. :)
January 25th, 2011
January 25th, 2011
A symbolic entry. :)
January 25th, 2011
I loved the challenge and got me thinking both artistically and technically.
But the biggest problem is How do you post the photo on here? :o?
January 25th, 2011
@gkf2 After you add your picture to your project...look on the bottom right-hand side. You will see "share" copy and paste code -- copy that address into here and your picture will appear after you click post. Good luck!
January 25th, 2011
Someone said I have an obsession with I've decided to kill it and move on. :)

January 25th, 2011
@robynelizabeth Good old be honest I think one of the 'old fashioned' Lolly shops Along the highway between Launceston and Hobart still sells it.
January 25th, 2011
@robynelizabeth You can get it here now, you just need to know where to shop. I'm in NSW and have found it in 2 different shops but one is incredibly overpriced as in $70 for the cube type box.
January 25th, 2011
I had a can the other day and was trying to think of what to do with it, I had nothing so I didn't bother lol. Might have to try again.
January 25th, 2011
Thanks Julie.
January 25th, 2011
Or This one. A bit dry.
January 25th, 2011
@sdpace hahahhaha!!! oh man...
January 25th, 2011
Abandoned - poor wee can

January 25th, 2011
January 25th, 2011
@natew214 NO WAY....WOW. that's amazing
January 25th, 2011
@natew214 wow this is amazing!!!
January 25th, 2011
January 25th, 2011
@ivy_box hahahah!! oh man. I love it :D
January 25th, 2011
a href="">
January 26th, 2011
January 26th, 2011
@amyhughes - a little bit of liquid makes it stand on its edge. thanks for the props on the pic.
January 26th, 2011
January 26th, 2011
The Biggest Loser. Since we switched from regular to diet soda I had both cans in my house. So I made one of them Lose some weight hahaha.

January 26th, 2011
@matejaseliskar Awesome flower.
January 26th, 2011
@sdpace A person after my own heart. I have quite the addiction as well.
January 26th, 2011
@ivy_box LOVE IT!
January 26th, 2011
So, it's technically not the can, but I still thought it was cool, so I'm sharing anyway. :)
January 26th, 2011
Ugh. Sorry I thought it wasn't the link that time. -_-
January 26th, 2011
Old Coca-Cola Bin by elisabeth
January 26th, 2011
*sigh* How do you post your image to the thread? :(
January 26th, 2011
@elisabeth lol... it's on the bottom right hand side of the page when you are viewing the pic. It says "Share" there and has some code in a box, make sure you copy it all and paste. It's right under the tags you put on your pic I believe.
January 26th, 2011
January 26th, 2011
@amyhughes Ah!! Success! Thank you sooo much! :)
January 26th, 2011
January 26th, 2011
@elisabeth yay!!! And its a wonderful shot too!
January 26th, 2011
@amyhughes Muchas Gracias! :)
January 26th, 2011
I'm in! (At least, I will be if I did this right!)
January 26th, 2011
nothing special
January 27th, 2011
I'll take a crack at it.
January 27th, 2011
One more try!

January 27th, 2011
@amyhughes, thanks for the hint!

January 27th, 2011
@matejaseliskar How'd you do that without cutting your fingers to pieces! very impressive!
January 27th, 2011
Sunkist Splash

January 27th, 2011
Here's my go:
January 27th, 2011
@amyhughes I don't see that anyone has asked this....but what is the posting deadline for this one??
January 27th, 2011
@sdpace my student lorin is going to announce a new one on friday since I'll be at a swim meet. So id say today, thursday art the end of the day
January 27th, 2011

January 28th, 2011
@jobesekama love this!!!!!!
January 28th, 2011
LOVE the Orange "Crush" above's my attempt-thanks for such a fun theme Amy!

January 28th, 2011
Went to the Doctor for my shots today.

January 28th, 2011
Thanks for your participation, this thread has now been closed.