5+2 for the love of selfies-- Stranger Things

October 8th, 2019
Things that are strange , stranger than your average, superlatively strange , uncommonly, bizarrely most definitely more than strange. Be that the theme of your selfies this week, you can reference the TV show of the same name if you please..Just be strangeness personified for us,

tag is fiveplustwo-strangerthings

Presented on a fork, in order of appearance

Marloe's mustache @stimuloog

Clare @pistache sitting pretty

and a dearth of forks for the @bankmann pickles

October 8th, 2019
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @365projecttaylor @365projectorgangelabrown y @abhijit @adi314 @aecasey @aikiuser @akphoto @aleksandra @alijchapman @amandal @amrita21 @amyamoeba @amyleewinfield @amunash @andyfisher @annied @anotherhouseblog @aprilmilani @azpete68 @bankmann @barrowlane @basqgirl @baznman @bella_ss @beluga @blueace @blueberry1222 @bmask @bobfoto @bookthiefsfriend @breiavictoria @brett101 @brianarmoured @brigette @bsh @bsheppard @bug @byrdlip @caddick @camillawinermoore @carla42 @carolbird @caroline11820 @carys @caseyrybeck @catcarter19 @caterina @catsmeowb @catwhiskers @cazink @ceilidh @cgarner @christinabengephotography @chriswang @christophercox @claycameras @clearday @cocobella @coreylablansphotography @cotoole @craigwantsnack @cyn_kirby @daphne1212 @dave_l @davidrobinson @deadschool @deannarussell @deborah63 @deburahiru @deliad @denidouble @dh @dide @dougapic @domenicododaro @dtigani @dutts @dyanstevens @edie @ekaterina @eliserose7811 @elishajae @emilychadderton @epcello @ethelperry @fallingstar @fauxtography365 @fbailey @fearinnocent @featherstone26 @fernandocrespo @fjanos @flashster78 @flyrobin @frappa77 @francoise @frida @fjanos @g_meus @gark @gavincci @gazdi @gazmadhat @gerry13 @gigiz @ginaanderson @golab @graemestevens @granagringa @grizzlysghost @gq @gypsylady @guttersniperebeccca @habit @hasin @hjbenson @helenhall @henrir @homefarm @hopess13 @houdiniem @houser934 @hvansteenburgh @hwhittle77 @ianforbes @ikamera @iliketobeweird @inthecloud5 @ira @iridiscentmind @irisn @izzymathie @izzyromilly @jack2201 @jack4john @jackie8 @jakes @jantan @jaynefos365 @jeetee @jlindros @jillociraptor @jmrittle @jo38 @jocasta @jocee @johannaf @johnfalconer @jonesy1 @jothan @jporcaro @@jrcallis @judithdeacon @juleshoogstraanderson @juliedduncan @judes80 @jyokota @kali66 @kandkids @karliam17 @kategoring @katharinehubbard @kathyboyles @kr57 @katiamarieg @katrinanz @kazlamont @keclark @kerosene @kimkyra @kirkjoshua @kittikat @kiwiellen @kiwinanna @kjarn @kklinck @kriegundliebe @kymmisue @kt8ird @lachieharrison @lam @lambda @lan @lasousa @lauraruth @leephotoofyork @leigh7900 @lenimiss @lesliebixler @liesbeth24 @lifepause
@lilaclisa @lillula @lindasees @lindseying @lisatown @lissylis @lizhammond @louannwarren @louuncouth @lpiscit2 @ludgate @luvmynynix @luvthyclassics @mace508 @macromover @maggie2 @maggiemae @maishanny @mamabear_and_bub @mamabec @mara19500 @marie65 @mariyakey @martinstoj @mastermek @mathilde22cat @mbrunner @mcrt @megstorey @megameg2018 @mei_photography @mellowmandy @mese @micetro @michellespage @michelleyoung @mickster @mikegifford @misandriatemporal @miller_d @misterkitty @mlulu191 @moonmtn @mornegrewe @moviegal1 @mrsc19 @mrspedwards @mrstull @mtpagano @my_photofun @mzzhope @nadaa @nanderson @natcastillejo @neatz @netkonnexion @nitrogene @northy @not_left_handed @nthomas28 @olenadole @ontiveros @oreos808 @ounooi @overalvandaan @paign @paintdipper @palmilla @pamgleason @pamknowler @pammerritt @panthora @paulie @pdulis @peeliks @pepeblond @peterdegraaff @phil_howcroft @photohoot @photographynewbie @pickerandagrinner @pittcj17 @pixelchix @pocketmouse @projectx @purdey @rachelpanchal @radiogirl @recreateme @redy4et @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @rockinrobyn @romeheather @roseolivia @rosiekind @rookynook @royb40 @roykarlsvik @rubysandals @runestone @ryanarra2 @s4sayer @salza @sanaaijaz @sandrajo @saran @sarraphoto @sassik @sassyinma @scotthouston @seejillrun @semjaja @sgianettoni @sianipops @sidecar @skjgraphics @sknutson @slash @sleepingbeauty @smevvy @snaphappi @snoopybooboo @snowflakes86 @sophienett @sparkle @squamloon @sstcowan @stacypie @stakade @stephanies @steffguayante @stephanies @stephlisa87 @stefneyhart @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @supervictorious @susale @sveyo @swillinbillyflynn @taffy @tammyputney @tammynicole @tctime @teaandcheddar @tealgarciaphotography @teamquavers @teresamaro @tetonia @theemptyroom @thejazzyj @theseven @thomastoth @thresheg @timewalker @tigerdreamer @tori_shaw @totallyevita @tracie8266 @tracys @transatlantic @trbo @tremerryn
@tstb13 @vagabondframe @vignouse @vincent24 @voiceprintz @vera365 @walrus @wamstreet @wanabe @wasp @webfoot @weezilou @welshgirl @wenadee @wenbow @wendyhgill @wildernesswillie @wilhelmreitz @willowidk @yaorenliu @ylvalie @zoegriffin_ @alophoto @365projectjadekatphotography
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