Artist Challenge - Ray Metzker

November 24th, 2021
Had some fun with peppers and a rose and - boom - I won in the artist challenge.
Thanks!! And thanks to Ann @Olivetreeann for hosting and introducing us to a fun artist!!

I think the short days and long dark night are getting to me, because I am picking Ray Metzker as the artist to learn from - imitate or take off, whatever tickles your fancy.

Ray Metzker’s work (to me) is stark, very bold, black and graphic - as in graphic art. Bordering on the abstract. Lots of (black) negative space, and patterns.

Keith F. Davis, senior curator of photography at the Nelson-Atkins describes Metzker’s work as the “very best of a classic form of American modernism” that “transcended any simple notion of technical experimentation or formalism to illuminate a vastly larger human realm.”
Metzker explained that he sought disturbances, things that were “foreign in subject but hauntingly right for the picture, the workings of which seem inexplicable, at the very least, a surprise.”

To study his work, and be inspired:

Challenge starts November 24, 2021
and runs through the rest of the year until December 31, 2021
(I hope it’s ok to give it some extra time, since the holidays keeps everyone busy)
Tag with ac-RayMetzker

Go out, use the darkness, look where the light penetrates, and discover new stuff!

November 24th, 2021
Love his Striptease series. Those with street photography skills will love this artist!! Will certainly give his style a go!
November 24th, 2021
such a cool choice!
November 24th, 2021
lots to see here, i like his trees in square format so will try some of those
December 8th, 2021
Dark alley
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