Lets get tricky in our self portraits this week by playing with forced perspective, Manipulate perception and trick the eye with the use of optical illusions to make objects appear larger, smaller, farther, or closer than they actually are. Try distorting space with a long lens and some clever positioning, play with toys, rotate your photo to defy gravity ,
Here are some examples if you are not sure what we mean https://digital-photography-school.com/forced-perspective/
tag your photo fiveplustwo-forcedperspective
If you are new here and wondering what 5+2 for the love of selfies is all about, we are a group of 365ers who post a self portrait each week on a theme, If you follow our project we will tag you each time the new theme gets posted ( you can opt out of receiving the notification if you just want to watch :) ) We give a shoutout and some kudos to three participants each week, but its just for fun and a chance to get out of your shyness and step out from behind the camera for the creative opportunities we present !
@lilaclisa @lillula @lindasees @lindseying @lisatown @lissylis @lizhammond @ljmanning @louannwarren @louuncouth @lpiscit2 @ludgate @luvmynynix @luvthyclassics @mace508 @macromover @maggie2 @maggiemae @maishanny @mamabear_and_bub @mamabec @mara19500 @mariannamgrimaud @marie65 @mariyakey @markp @martinstoj @mastermek @mathilde22cat @matthank68 @mbrunner @mcrt @megstorey @megameg2018 @mei_photography @mellowmandy @mese @micetro @michellespage @michelleyoung @mickster @mikegifford @miracajigal @misandriatemporal @milestonevisualmedia @miller_d @misterkitty @mlulu191 @monikozi @moonmtn @moonshinegoober @mornegrewe @morrij10 @motherxmind @moviegal1 @mrsc19 @mrspedwards @mrstull @mtpagano @my_photofun @mzzhope @nadaa @nanderson @natcastillejo @neatz @netkonnexion @nick_in_nc @nickspicsnz @nicshep @nitrogene @northernexposure @northy @not_left_handed @nthomas28 @olenadole @ontiveros @oreos808 @ounooi @overalvandaan @paign @paintdipper @palmilla @pamgleason @pamknowler @pammerritt @panthora @paulie @pdulis @pea @peeliks @pepeblond @peterdegraaff @phil_howcroft @photohoot @photograndma @ @pickerandagrinner @pittcj17 @pixelchix @pocketmouse @potsbypam @projectx @purdey @rachelpanchal @radiogirl @recreateme @redy4et @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @rockinrobyn @romeheather @roseolivia @rosiekind @rookynook @royb40 @roykarlsvik @rubysandals @runestone @ryanarra2 @s4sayer @salza @samae @sanaaijaz @sandrajo @sandradavies @saran @sarraphoto @sassik @sassyinma @scotthouston @seejillrun @semjaja @serendypyty @sgianettoni @sianipops @sidecar @silkestahl @skjgraphics @sknutson @slash @sleepingbeauty @smevvy @snaphappi @snoopybooboo @snowflakes86 @sophienett @sparkle @spanishliz @sporenmaken @squamloon @sstcowan @stacypie @stakade @stephanies @steffguayante @stephanies @stephlisa87 @stefneyhart @stimuloog @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @supervictorious @susale @sveyo @swillinbillyflynn @taffy @tammyputney @tammynicole @tctime @teaandcheddar @tealgarciaphotography @teamquavers @teresamaro @tetonia @theemptyroom @thejazzyj @theseven @thomastoth @thresheg @timewalker @tigerdreamer @tinley23 @tiredpanda @tori_shaw @totallyevita @tracie8266 @tracys @transatlantic @trbo @tremerryn @tunia @varg
@tstb13 @vagabondframe @vignouse @vincent24 @voiceprintz @vera365 @walrus @wamstreet @wanabe @wasp @webfoot @weezilou @welshgirl @wenadee @wenbow @wendyhgill @wildernesswillie @wilhelmreitz @willowidk @yaorenliu @yolanda @ylvalie @zoegriffin_ @alophoto