Thank you to @myzsteriousmizsterjones (The Myzsterious Mizster Jones) for hosting the last Tag Challenge. I am honoured to be hosting this, the 186th, current challenge.
Popularity for this challenge seems to be waning, which I think is a shame, as it is a fun way to test your creativity, stretch your photographic skills and use your imagination based on the random selection of 365's tags. (I have a soft spot for the Tag Challenge, it was the first one I ever entered #127, and I won with the tags food and flag)
Here's how to take part!
Step 1: Click on the "Browse" section and select the "By Tag" link (or just click ). Close your eyes and randomly click on a tag.
Step 2: Do it again - no peeking! And, if you are feeling particularly brave, choose a third tag using the same method.
You will use those two (or three!) randomly chosen tags as an inspiration to create one picture that encompasses the tags.
If you don't like your randomly selected tags you can use two of the tags I randomly selected: FLORA + SHADOWS + BUILDING in any combination of pairs that you choose, or combine all three if you are feeling very creatively brave.
Do let me know what tags your drew in the thread below.
You can submit multiple entries, using the same tags or you can be brave and randomly choose new tags. I MAY only select one of your entries for shortlisting though.
When you post your photograph for this challenge, please state clearly in the narrative the tags you randomly chose, and it would be great to see any of your creations posted here as well!
Challenge Starts – February 5th
Challenge Ends – March 31
Tag your entry - tagchallenge-186 (note just the one hyphen!)
@kali66 first get your cat in the rain!!?
Now added to the Weekly SH*T list for you, Jackie!
@olivetreeann what fun!!!