New Artist Challenge - Otto Steinert

June 26th, 2023
I was thrilled to see that my construction inspired by Louise Nevelson won that artist challenge. Apologies for the delay in putting up the next one. I have been really busy getting ready to travel (Wales! Cornwall! and a day in London! SUPER excited) and take care of a couple of other obligations also before I leave.

I have looked at various artists, looking for someone who hasn’t been represented in this challenge previously and settled on the German photographer, Otto Steinert. Even though all his work was in black and white, I hope there is enough variety in his work from portraiture to landscape and architecture to very abstract work, represented in the images found below in a Google search, to catch your interest. (HEADS UP I know for a fact there is work by other photographers mixed in there. I just don’t have time to sort it out properly.) I believe there would be scope to inspire photos in color as well as black and white and encourage you to submit whatever work you care to.

Here is a biography:

I will back date the beginning of the challenge to June 12 to try to catch any appropriate entries since the end of the last artist challenge on June 11, and set the ending for a month from now 7/26/2023 to give plenty of time for entries.

Tag your shots ac-steinert and post here as well to keep the challenge more current. Entries found here:

June 26th, 2023
Ooooh so much to choose from in his work to emulate.
June 27th, 2023
I am looking forward to maybe giving this one a go
June 27th, 2023
Very cool choice
June 27th, 2023
Yes a lot of possibilities...will have a go.
June 28th, 2023
@stephomy Yes, that one amazed me too!
July 26th, 2023
@mcsiegle - you only have 5 entries from 3 people. you might want to consider extending it - selfish reason, really, as i'm working on something i wish to submit 😊 but have not much time to work on it.
July 26th, 2023
@summerfield Oh my gosh! I had completely forgotten about this! Thank you, thank you! Yes I will post a reminder and extension.
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