A New Challenge - Text2Image-1

May 12th, 2024
Over the last twelve months, the use of artificial intelligence in generating a complete or partial image and integrating this into another image has increased exponentially. One aspect of this is the concept of ‘text to image.’ During the last couple of weeks, Adobe has upgraded its Photoshop Beta, which now incorporates Firefly3. I do not doubt that there are similar developments with other software and image-processing software packages.

I fully appreciate that there are differing and diverse views on the application of ‘artificial intelligence’ and its application to photography.

What I thought would be an interesting challenge would be to give members a written text description of an image and invite members to use the text to generate an image in any programme they use. The image produced may or may not then be processed in any way the poster wishes.

The text prompt I suggest for this challenge is, ‘Vintage car, desert road, warm sun, early evening.’

I think the text prompt is generic enough to produce a variety of images in several different styles and I invite everyone to give it a try.

The usual rules for challenges will apply; you may enter any number of images, however, only one entry per poster can be included in the list of finalists. Please feel free to attach entries to this thread to keep the thread active and hopefully encourage others to take part in the challenge.

Starting date - 12 May 2024
End Date - 26 May 2024
Text Prompt - 'Vintage car, desert road, warm sun, early evening.’
Tag Text2Image-1

Entries can be seen here: https://365project.org/tags/text2image-1
May 12th, 2024
When you type in the text, do you get a selection to choose from ? I don't have any of these programs but reckon I could play with images Affinity provides and do a composite

You need to make the link to entries a hyperlink to be able to view them, as you've hyperlinked images.
May 12th, 2024
Uhm…. I’m not sure what to think about this…. As you note, there are a varying number of views of the use of AI in the creative process…. I am fairly opposed to it so that may be where my reaction is coming from, but…. I’m not sure what the point of this challenge is from a creativity standpoint?
May 12th, 2024
Thank you for thinking of putting up new challenges and ideas; I am anti-AI when it's used to generate imagery, so I dont think I will be participating. I use AI in a program to help me mask out subjects, be it a person or a flowerpot, and that’s it. I have tried creating AI imagery, and it doesn't go at all well with me. The result leaves me feeling flat, uninspired and sceptical.

Of course, this is my personal opinion and experience; others may think or feel differently, who will be keen to give it a go. I have seen examples of AI-art that is quite photorealistic. Also some AI-generated images that have been modified as per your suggestion, and if the editing has been done well, these works have a certain appeal.

At this point in my life, I am not ready to go in that direction. I’m not convinced that it will help me with my own photography.

Thank you once again for putting forth the idea.
May 12th, 2024
Thank you, John for coming up with a new challenge.
Since I am still grappling with Photoshop and just use sliders in Lightroom (I am a complete techno Luddite), it is doubtful that I will participate in this challenge.

I am also very cynical about the direction photography is going with AI - wondering if we are pursuing perfection over reality. After all, reality is never perfect and AI generated images are always gorgeous.

I have always found 365 to be a photography project with the vast majority of members who are amateur photographers. AI may not be their cup of tea.

That being said, I am sure that there are many members dabbling in AI who may want to participate in a challenge such as this.

Which brings up an interesting point - I believe members should tag any photos that have been AI generated as such just for transparency reasons. Hosts of current challenges could then use that information when short listing the challenge ... their discretion and choice.

Yes - AI is opening a whole new can of worms, and not just in photography.

May 12th, 2024
Unfortunately, hyper links do not work in threads that have images.
It is something I have been having problems with forever!!
If you know of a way to get around this, please let me know! I have always wanted to have a weekly challenge to go with the Weekly SH*T list but it would involve having an image with it which would make all the hyper links unusable.
May 12th, 2024
@farmreporter if John makes it a hyperlink with the< a href etc etc code it SHOULD work wendy

And I'm not into AI but asked my question to use what affinity gives me!
May 12th, 2024

The above two images were produced using Photoshop Beta which incorporates Firefly3.
May 12th, 2024

Thanks for the above. I was confused. I originally completed the thread for the challenge and at the time checked the link, which worked. It was an afterthought to add the two photographs, which I did. It was only after that that the hyperlinks failed to work.

I have now deleted the image links from the original post and reposted them independently later in the thread and am pleased/relieved that the links now work.
May 12th, 2024
Your solution is a great one - one that I just may use to resurrect my idea for a weekly challenge to go with the Weekly SH*T list.
May 12th, 2024

A weekly challenge would be a great idea!!
May 12th, 2024
While I haven't posted yet, this was sort of fun. Don't know if it needs to be a challenge, it would be fun to have it as a "theme" without winners, although I realize someone would have to run the theme each time period to select the text tags. Might be fun to indicate what software was used. And, if any of the image is your personal photo.

There are several AI generators that are free online in case you don't have editing software or your software doesn't have that capability. Just search for AI image generator.
May 12th, 2024
I've had a go, using Canva's Magic Media option. Here's the result.
May 13th, 2024
@lumpiniman thanks for doing this John. I’m always happy to see more challenges, even if many aren’t aligned with my personal interests. And it looks like you have a healthy level of interest for this one!
May 15th, 2024

You can read my ramble on Ai on this link

But for a more eloquent nod to the duplicity of Ai read this:


(I'm not sure why these links are not highlighting in blue. To make them work highlight the line and then left click and select open link and it should take you to the page.)

July 3rd, 2024
They look more like illustrations rather than photographs!
I agree with Northy - not sure about the creativity standpoint of this new Ai technology
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