23rd May 2024 by emmadurnford

23rd May 2024

The weather was a little better this morning but soon turned to rain as we were driving to a place brilliantly named Bad Wildbad! As usual I preset the SatNav to a car park that looked easy to park in but in the event we ended up in the multi-storey one I had tried to avoid, noted for it’s very tight entrance and tight turns between floors - I totally agree with the reviews but managed it without damage to the car!

We walked down the steep hill past the thermal baths (there are hot springs here) and found the funicular up the 'Wildline Hangebrucke’ which is basically a long suspension bridge hight above the Black Forest - so high in fact that it was possible to look down onto the treetops. We considered going up the spiral tower but decided against it as the walkway would give much greater views. I really should have read a little more about the Wildline as after we had bought the tickets, I actually looked at the bridge and realised just how high it was! Both high and distinctly swaying as people walked across it. I found it pretty unnerving and even got slightly sea sick with the swaying! The views down onto the forest were spectacular but I was glad when we made it all the way across… downside was having to return the same way!

We made it there and back with even a few selfies thrown in for good measure.

I found a more direct route back to the cable car station and it was a short journey back down to ground level. We stopped at another ’Backerei’ and I finally tried an authentic slice of Black Forest Gateau. I am not keen on Black Forest Gateau but I knew this absolutely had to be done within the actual Black Forest. What a revelation! It was actually very nice - richer than I would normally eat but nowhere as heavy as at home and the fresh whipped cream was very well mixed with a generous amount of kirsch - delicious. Even Colin enjoyed it and he never normally eats chocolate cake!

Walking back to the car we discovered the thermal springs and could put our hands in the tepid water. After negotiating the dodgy car park on the way out, it was a very wet drive back via the Edeka (again!).

Our last meal in the Black Forest was back in the excellent Falken hotel where the reception was just as warm - it was still pouring with rain so we took the car for the short distance. I went for the asparagus soup this time as a seasonal dish typical of the area, followed by an 'almost too big’ steak with peppercorn sauce. Even I was beaten this time but I was still able to help out Colin with his hot raspberry coulis and ice cream dessert. Back home again in the rain!

(10,714 footsteps)
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