"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths or the turning inwards in prayer for five minutes." -Etty HIllesum
@amandal Thank you! It is my favorite mug and I got it on clearance at Target! Woohoo! The image is deceiving... Haha! This is "in between" getting up to set the self timer.
@megstorey You need a remote. I got my onsale at Target for $8. Sometimes it makes selfies much more relaxed. And sometimes not. The 2 sec time to get in position and lose the remote is tough. LOVE Target!!
@amandal I really do need a remote. I keep looking at them and just haven't bought one yet. I set it for 5 seconds to try to get that extra relaxation time and I have it take 5 shots in a row. It is exhausting! Haha! & Heck yes Target!
@bill_fe Indeed... I am a big fan of my backyard.
@kali66 Taking much less attractive photo's. Haha!