it's that time of the year! yes, april is income tax time, at least in canada, and methinks in the states, too.
basic arithmetic functions - add, subtract, multiply, divide - in play here, with a few percentages in between. double check your calculations. save all your receipts. and file your returns early.
the most baffling question to fill is: "you can help reduce the government's debt by donating all or some of your refund to the opportunities fund." oh, really? let me see...hmmmm.... NO!
@henrir - actually, i only read the guide when i can't understand something. i just go straight and do my calculations. being single, my return is rather straightforward. thanks, henri.
@domenicododaro - i am by profession a certified public accountant but when i used to practice accounting i could only deal with taxation part of business. if i had pursued being a lawyer i'd probably be a tax lawyer, it's an interesting area of business, really. that or family law, i like to gossip sometimes, you know. :-D
@summerfield Sure, it's interesting when it comes to other ones' taxes. On the other hand, when you do realize that about 72% of your income is drained by taxes for a no-services, no-pensions system, like here in Italy, you get honestly upset!
yours and mike's are hard acts to follow. you challenge me all the time! :-P