I was up before sunrise this morning putting out the re-cycling. If I do it the night before animals usually knock over the containers and strew the garbage around and, if I don't have it out by 7AM , I often miss the pick up so it's become a less than pleasant, but necessary task, every Friday morning. This week though I did get a little reward for the early rise and braving one of the first frosty mornings of the year. Over the neighbour's roof I spotted this cool sight. It's a crescent moon but with the rest of the moon still visible in the shadow and joined by the planet Jupiter just slightly to the left and above the moon. Of course it was the wrong lens and no tripod and no time to get different equipment together so not the best quality, still I'm happy to have this little souvenir of a kind of cool sighting. Oh and also very high ISO so lots of noise.