Scream if you want to go faster! by helenmoss

Scream if you want to go faster!

A perfect drying day, sunny and breezy. Popped out to the garden to put a load of trackies and footie kit on the line and instead of getting on with the job in hand, got distracted by the pegs, which looked as if they were having a great time, swinging back and forth on the line - they look as if they are shouting WEEEEE!, and if they had little arms, they'd surely have them up in the air!
Enough of that. Time to get the dogs out for a walk, watch Ed's football match, home for a quick dinner, then back out to play badminton.
Oh, I thought I'd forgotten something, I've come back inside without putting the washing on the line . .. it's still sitting on the lawn in the laundry basket!
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