This old bridge is the centerpiece of a tiny park along the Deep River. In September, this bridge deck was 5 feet under water because of 4 days of heavy rain from Hurricane Florence, which means the park areas on both sides were also under water. Surprisingly, much of it survived, but they lost a few signs and acquired some extra mud. My son is doing his Eagle Scout project here. A trail used to go down the hill just to the right of the railing, and under the bridge down to the river. It's been over grown for years, and now part of it are completely washed out. The trail will also give kayakers an easy access to the river from the Lee County side, so they don't have to use the boat ramp from Chatham County side. And, he's going to build a new info sign on the Lee County side.
@randystreat No, it used to be the actual road across the bridge for cars. Tons of water. Water was up about 20 feet, which is five feet above the bridge deck.