Bile Beans! by if1

Bile Beans!

226 - Close to York St Johns University, on the end wall of a house is this old advertisement. I've seen it many times before, but not really thought about it until I saw an article about fundraising to restore it to it's former glory. This set me wondering what Bile Beans were.

Well, they were a laxative - one of their magazine adverts began 'Ordinary laxatives couldn't free her from sluggishness and undigested fats - She is a new woman since taking Bile Beans Laxative Pills...'

They were devised in Australia in 1899 and became a brand leader in the UK during the 1930s and were still on sale until the mid-1980s.

The sign itself was last restored in 1986, but as you can see it is looking rather worse for wear again.

If you want to see the magazine advert, go to
well then. Good thing you explained what this was all about bc when i read it i was like, "What the heck does that mean?!" haha. This is such a kewl sign!! i like the bricks. Great shot!
October 17th, 2012  
Most interesting capture Ian, the advertisement is so much a sign of the times. It would be difficult to find tradesmen to paint something like that and the simplicity of the wording speak of a bygone era. Thanks for the detailed background.
October 17th, 2012  
Good explanation to this pic. Makes you understand , Great find and capture
October 17th, 2012  
Great find! Some of the old ads are so funny.
October 17th, 2012  
It's so great that this is still there after all these years, it would be good if it was restored again. @fueast posted a picture of a similar advert in Leeds which I mistook for this one that I remembered from childhood, see
October 17th, 2012  
Hey cool. I love these ghost signs- good to see the York equivalent!
October 17th, 2012  
Good capture. Hope this advert gets restored.
October 17th, 2012  
I love old ads like this, and the story of this is fab!
October 17th, 2012  
Great advertisement on this old building. I do hope they restore it again. Never heard of Bile Beans before! Probably a good thing...
October 17th, 2012  
Ian I love these old advertisments like this and we have several of them here in Edmonton. I posted some shots of a few of them last year in Sept.. Glad they are restoring this one again
October 18th, 2012  
Bile Beans such a creative name .... it is nice to old signs maintained... history is such a great teacher... great shot Ian.
October 18th, 2012  
I learned something new today, as I've never heard of bile beans! Cool discovery and shot!
October 18th, 2012  
A great 365 shot, and what a shame it would be if Walmgate was ever without it's Bile Beans sign !!
October 18th, 2012  
Never heard of Bile Beans but this is a great sign and capture!
October 18th, 2012  
Cool find!!! I love old things like that.
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Kd - I'll have to go back for another shot when it's restored!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Tony - while investigating the background to this I discovered that there is quite a lot of interest in these 'ghost' signs!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Pyrrhula. This sign made me wonder if there are any more of these 'ghost' signs around York
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Ladyjane - people certainly had some strange fads!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Louise. It was last restored in 1986, so it's actually survived the years since then quite well!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Alison - interesting to compare the Leeds and York versions! I'm wondering if there are any more ghost signs in York. I may go hunting tomorrow!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Christine - if it gets restored I'll have to get another shot.
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Sara - they are quite fascinating!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Bob - if it gets restored, I'll go back for another shot!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Brian - I've had a look at your shots, and they are quite fascinating! I'm going hunting to see if I can find any more in York.
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Roslyn - they do say something about the times in which they were created. I'll get another shot of this if it gets restored.
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Livia - I'm going to see if there are any more similar signs around York, so there may be more to come!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you, but I think you've got this confused with the Stubbs sign in Walmgate - this one is on Lord Mayors Walk. I hope to go for a wander tomorrow to see if the Stubbs one is still in place.
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Marie - it will be interesting to see what it looks like when it's restored!
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Caren - I'm going to go hunting to see if I can find any more of these around York.
October 18th, 2012  
@if1 Quite right, my mistake !
October 18th, 2012  
Interesting capture and history - not sure if I like their name though!
October 18th, 2012  
@if1 I can imagine there would be, they are fading fast.
October 18th, 2012  

Thank you Ann - I agree, the whole product sounds a bit dubious if you ask me!
October 18th, 2012  
What a great find. I hope it is restored again. There is a similar advert near here for Rudge Bikes but so far there have been no signs of anyone wanting to restore it.
October 19th, 2012  

Thank you Janet - these signs are an interesting bit of history, and it's a shame if they are lost.
October 21st, 2012  
Cool sign, but bile beans sure don't sound all that apetizing! I like those old fonts.
October 23rd, 2012  

Thank you Kristin, and I agree, not a very attractive product! The good news is that enough funds have been raised to restore it!
October 23rd, 2012  
Love these remains of former life. Nice find! How wonderful were we to give you such an amazing product as could assist you in difficult digestive times ;-)
October 25th, 2012  

Thank you Alicia - this is quite an export! I'm surprised how popular this product once was!
October 25th, 2012  
Found this in my wanderings and as soon as I saw it I knew it was York! My old home town! Great shot.
January 9th, 2013  

Thank you Jo, and thank you for the follow. Many of my shots are of the city, including a tour round the city walls in August / September. This advert appears again too when it was restored (
January 9th, 2013  
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