Wonder by janetb


The magical moment when we discovered this nest, our minds began to wonder. What bird chose to construct its nest at the very entrance to a campsite? Did the nest go unnoticed nestled nicely among leafy branches, or did some lucky campers have the pleasure of watching a parent slip in between the leaves to tend its young? Perhaps marshmallows roasted beneath the moon while tiny eggs and then featherless hatchlings rested beneath a warm breast.

I just slipped a banana bread into the oven to bake using the fancy new pan John and Nirali gave me for my birthday. I’m beginning to smell a delicious aroma as the batter warms and begins to rise. I can’t wait to turn out the freshly baked loaf, after cooling, and see the beautiful bouquet of flowers embossed on its top — more magic! I made sure to grease the pan thoroughly so it comes out clean without sticking. Fingers are crossed for luck.

Now I gaze at this image, zooming in and admiring the still green, soft mosses. I see skeletal leaves tucked in, too, and a couple of grapevines dangling. I imagine the builder’s beak clamped tight in flight with the lengthy, cumbersome vines trailing behind. I’m thankful for the time I have to think these thoughts — to relive the magic. Rachel Carson said, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” I’m all for that.
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