God's way of feeding and watering the seeds — I like to think of snow falling here in the middle of March that way. Sure enough, the five fluffy inches that fell overnight will do just that. In two days, melted by temperatures rising into the fifties and seeping deep into eager soil, they’ll nourish seeds sleeping in hidden places, awakening them to begin their lives anew. He's the best at renewing things.
by Matthias Claudius, German poet
We plough the fields, and scatter
the good seed on the land;
But it is fed and watered
by God's almighty hand:
He sends the snow in winter,
the warmth to swell the grain,
The breezes and the sunshine,
and soft refreshing rain.
All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above,
Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord
For all His love.
He only is the maker
of all things near and far;
He paints the wayside flower,
He lights the evening star;
The winds and waves obey Him
by Him the birds are fed;
Much more to us, His children,
He gives our daily bread.
We thank Thee, then, O Father,
for all things bright and good,
The seed time and the harvest,
our life, our health, and food;
No gifts have we to offer,
for all Thy love imparts,
But that which Thou desirest,
our humble, thankful hearts.
Lighting is amazing at how it can calm or energize.
Your shot is calming … makes me take a deep breath and slowly release it.