He called me out of bed to share the sunrise already showing itself through the shade. He pulled the string; and we stood gawking as, inch by inch, the fiery pink revealed its full, miraculous glory. Minutes later, I brewed a fragrant cup of decaf as he left for work and then took my usual seat to do my usual morning things — connecting with the Lord via prayer before connecting with friends and family via texts, reading a bit, needlework and indulging Gracie's perpetual penchant for belly rubs. I cherish this quiet time before the demands of the day take over. Turning, the sight of gentle, lovely light at the other end of the room called me closer. I chose to see it as a gift.
Thank you, Most Gracious Giver, for my beloved husband, sunrises and lovely light, hot coffee and reflections of windows, bubble-like bokeh, quiet time and all the glorious gifts you so graciously give throughout the day, every day. May my eyes ever be open to see them, my heart ever be open to feel them, my mind ever be open to know them — to know You. Amen.