This is one of our ex-battery chickens. I did wonder if her bald red head is the result of her being bullied by the other chickens, but I have never seen any evidence of it happening. I think it makes her look rather aegypine (vulture-like - a new word for me today.)
A shrinking violet she is not - always gets under your feet when you go in their run, and never fails to peck your legs or some reason.
Lovely red comb & head ,and I am sure the pecking at your legs are friendly pecks in gratitude for rescuing her from her ex-battery life !!and perhaps wants your undivided attention (or food !!)
Great capture but I don't think she likes having her photo taken! You've reminded me of my dad keeping chickens when I was a child and that they used to peck each others' feathers out. Great detail in your shot.