The National Trust property Upton House is on the outskirts of our village and today a few friends and I went to a Christmas Sale there. Got a couple of bits, took a few photos including this one of their front door.
First day of December, 25 days til Christmas, 28 til my 50th Birthday... scary stuff.
The week before last I dropped my iPhone into the pigs' water. Thought I would give you an update. After 24 hours in a plastic bag of rice and on top of the Aga it started to work again. That is all apart from the on/off button on top which was a bit of a pain from a battery saving point of view.
Well, a week later that started to work too which all seems a bit bizarre, but I am not complaining.
Oh yes, and I thought of @Padlock when I took this shot - he is partial to a knocker.
@lucypics No she doesn't tho one of the women who attends has a flower arranging business, and does some really creative stuff. Every year I mean to make ont and end up running out of time and buying one instead. There are loads of tutorials on Youtube