I made this for my low fiber diet. I pureed baby spinach in beef stock. Then I added it to a pan with some veggies, ramen noodles, onion powder, and garlic powder. It doesn't look appetizing, but it tasted terrific. Plus I got my two servings of veggies. Latter, my niece and I ordered food from Lord's Clam shack. I got broiled haddock. Yum.
And I got a "green" picture for week 4 of the Capture 52 Challenge'
I know what you mean about healthy & tasty doesn't necessarily always look photo-worthy (although in this case that green sure does!) but I have constant digestion issues and have to take care, too, NO onions or garlic for me!
@jyokota I am on a low fiber diet do to a partial bowel obstruction. Also, have GERD. So I am learning a new way to eat. I can do onion powder and a bit of garlic powder - so far. Now real onions. No fresh fruit or vegetables. So pureed spinach has become a lifesaver to get some of those vitamins.