The morning after by joansmor

The morning after

Yesterday Two had her annual vet visit, Well she may have cancer. I am undecided about what to do because she is 16. And it could be expensive. She hates the visits to the Vets. She kept her distance from me most of the day worried I would gather her up again. It's better tonight
I am so sorry Joan. This is always hard even with an older pet. Warmest thoughts for you and Two.
September 13th, 2024  
Hard to say what to do, but I wouldn’t want her to suffer when you can’t explain to her why. So sad though.
September 13th, 2024  
So very sad.
September 13th, 2024  
Oh dear...I am sorry for Two and you.
September 13th, 2024  
I'm so sorry, Joan. Just try to make her comfortable.
September 13th, 2024  
Poor kitty. I hope the results come back something better than cancer certainly but if not I know she can trust you.
September 13th, 2024  
Oh no. I am so sorry. Making decisions for an aging pet is so hard.
September 13th, 2024  
Poor kitty, I sure hope she doesn't have cancer. My cats have always hated going to see the vet too.
September 13th, 2024  
My heart goes out to you Joan. It's a terrible decision to have to make. I had to make that decision with one of my cats. I never regretted it, as I knew she was out of pain. Our vet was great and came to the house, and we sat in our favourite spot together, and she just went to sleep.
September 13th, 2024  
So sorry about the news of Two. It is always hard to decide under such situations.
September 13th, 2024  
I'm so sorry Joan! I went through this last month with one of my cats but he was only 5. I had no other choice but to let him go. :(
September 13th, 2024  
So sorry for the news. It's really tough dealing with situations like that.
September 13th, 2024  
Aww... So sorry for this news about your precious Two! Praying you will have wisdom to do whatever will be best for her, and the finances if that means treating the cancer.
September 13th, 2024  
Oh no so sorry to hear this. A terrible decision to have to make. We had to do the same with our cat. She was 16 too but we had to let her go to that beautiful cattery in the sky as she was in a lot of pain. Take care xx
September 13th, 2024  
Such bad news Joan, at that age you can just make her as comfortable as possible and keep her pain free. Thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
September 13th, 2024  
Oh that is hard news, I am so sorry. Much much love with you and your darling Two.
September 13th, 2024  
Ok joan I'm so sad for Two and you. Don't let her suffer, as you will too. Love from TLC
September 13th, 2024  

So very sad, Nice pic🥲😊
September 13th, 2024  
Oh, no, big decisions for you. :-(
September 13th, 2024  
So very sorry about your sad news.. so hard to decide what to do.. big decision that only you can make. My love and thoughts at this heart wrenching time ❤️
September 13th, 2024  
OMG what sad news for you and a dilemma what to do! An advice from the vet could help you decide.
September 13th, 2024  
Beautiful portrait of Two. Is she in pain? 🙏🏻 for both of you. May God's wisdom guide you.
September 13th, 2024  
September 13th, 2024  
Poor kitty. I'm so sorry she is ill, Joan.
September 13th, 2024  
So sorry, Joan. It's very difficult when our pets are really ill
September 13th, 2024  
That is bad news Joan. I hope you are able to make the best decision for her. This is a lovely shot of Two - fav!

September 13th, 2024  
That’s very sad
September 13th, 2024  
Very sad news and difficult decisions ahead.
September 13th, 2024  
Oh Joan, I can empathise as I lost my beloved Charlie Brown last November. We were so unsure but in the end we did the right thing. He was 17 and was failing, I hope you can find your way and get help in the uncertain time ahead.
September 13th, 2024  
Not welcome news for you and Two.
September 13th, 2024  
I thought about you and Two all day. Sending strength for the hardest decision. We let Raspberry and Merry go, we knew they were suffering and there was nothing our vets could do to help them. I think they sent Raven and Fianna to us, especially Raven for me, she is just my type.
September 13th, 2024  
I am so sorry Joan. Give her your time and love. And that's it.
September 13th, 2024  
So sorry Joan. Such a difficult decision ahead.
September 13th, 2024  
Awww so sad, you have a decision to make!
September 14th, 2024  
Oh, I'm so, so sorry.
September 14th, 2024  
Oh Joan, i am sorry & feel for you & Two.
She is 16 & has had such happy times with you.
We faced the same , our lovely was 17 & suddenly was very ill!
you do have a difficult time ahead I know.. Thinking of you & two!
September 14th, 2024  
Ohhhhh- poor Two and poor you. It's so hard to make that call- but I guess the pain factor is what makes you decide one way or another. I hope the results come back with a better outcome.
September 15th, 2024  
Trust that she knows and will let you know what to do
September 15th, 2024  
So sorry to hear this news. It is heartbreaking. Sweet Two and you had a rough day. Take good care of each other.
September 16th, 2024  
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