River Sparkles
28 March 2014 -- 87/365
Barrington, Rhode Island
Whenever I attend a play at the 2nd Story Theater in Warren, I cross this bridge that connects the town to neighboring Barrington. I've always thought it would make an interesting night scene, so tonight after seeing "Le Dindon or The Dupe" at the Theater, I decided to stop at the bridge for a photo. The reflections in the water were brilliant, and the halo of mist around the lights gave the bridge itself an interesting mood. There's a marina on the far side of the bridge that is also fairly well lit at night, so it may be worth stopping there for a photo after another play.
Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, boost white, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.
@tryingforsighs Thanks, Rachel! It was the reflections that drew me to the scene as well. @flauschigerkeks Thanks, Nina! Really appreciate the fav. @lilminimonka Thanks, Brianna! I toyed with the idea of cropping out the bridge and flipping the image upside down. They then look like sparks popping out of a brazier.
@flauschigerkeks Thanks, Nina! Really appreciate the fav.
@lilminimonka Thanks, Brianna! I toyed with the idea of cropping out the bridge and flipping the image upside down. They then look like sparks popping out of a brazier.