just because you are seeing them here, don't be fooled that this is a common sight.
I'm really feeling down because my local council last night passed a new development on 160 acres critical koala land which will directly impact on movement of koalas through my property. another nail in the coffin despite how hard we fight to try and prevent extinction by 2050. sigh, rant over
Oh, Katrina, how sorry I am to hear the devastating news re your council's decision. Keep strong through this. Such a lovely well spotted find . Love the sighting of those tiny legs
Aw isn't this a sweet photo. Dreadful news about the new development though. Follow the money! Local Councils have a lot to answer for sometimes don't they
I know how you feel, this helplessness is devastating. They don't help anything, but what you work out is what they brag about. This little citizen of your group is such a bitter joy.
How devasting that news is, I can understand why you are feeling down. Will this be adjacent to your property Katrina?