Or is it Thrupence? For the minimalist challenge - Coins.
Not too long ago, I came across a small leather pouch, which was full of various European coins. I'm sure this came from my father's "stuff:", and has been in a box since he passed (in the early 90's). Most of the coins are from the 60's when I know my parents visited Europe. But this one coin is from 1942, which would've been during the middle of WWII. My dad was 15 in 1942, and living in southern WV. And while he joined the US Navy 2 weeks after his 18th birthday (1945), he served in the Pacific Theater. I presume this coin was still in circulation when they visited in the 60's. Regardless, it's a pretty cool coin, and suddenly 80 years old!
Thrupeeny bits were in circulation until 1971 in the U.K. then we moved to decimalisation. I have been looking everywhere in the house for one and have just found one (1967). The pre-decimal currency system consisted of a pound of 20 shillings or 240 pence. Post decimalisation made it so much easier to have 100 pence to the pound.
Still, thrupence is fun to say! I guess you could “feed the birds” and have a pence leftover (Mary Poppins reference)