The Forks (or at least two of them) by mcsiegle

The Forks (or at least two of them)

So earlier last week when I knew that my get pushed challenge from Tim was to work with silverware I bought some very cheap forks at Walmart to match the very cheap spoons I already had — two packages of four at $.96 each package. Silverware reserved only for photography. Of course then I waited until Sunday night after the movie to do any photography whatsoever with either spoons or forks. I concentrated on the spoons because they had some experience and the forks didn’t, but then I felt sorry for the forks because I had bought them and then just laid them aside. So, after I finished with the spoons I got two of the forks to try the very elementary trick of balancing an egg, which I’ve seen many many forks do here on 365. They managed to do it, but just barely. By the time I had finished taking a few shots with the phone they were trembling with exhaustion. Perhaps I had expected too much of the very very cheap little forks? Possibly, but I decided they could use some training, so I set them to work on some even more elementary exercises such as lining up to cast shadows.

When I didn’t post any of the fork shots on Sunday, they were rather disappointed and actually complained that the egg was really the star of the photos and they wouldn’t get noticed at all. Well, I had to agree that the egg was the most noticeable part of the image, but that they shouldn’t discount their significant contribution to the stunt. I offered to fancy up one of the photos (the red version in the center) and set about playing with that photo in the phone app, HYPERSPEKTIV. I had a lot of fun, but of course got a little blow back when some of the versions I created obscured the forks even further. Anyway here is the original and eight other versions.

Question to 365ers who have worked with forks: are they hard to train? Should I have sprung for flatware that is not so cheap? Or maybe use my good silver that doesn’t get very much use?
I love how you have anthropromorphised your cutlery. Forks, in my experience (and I did do a month of culterly this year!) are totally untrainable, you need to choose your vairety and species very carefully to balance the egg (or choose the egg carefully!)

Nailed your challege effectively btw
December 30th, 2020  
I totally agree with @30pics4jackiesdiamond You are so entertaining in your commentaries! This is a shot I have never tried but I love the way you have jazzed it up with all these different views. It seems the forks are the stars in most of these photos.
December 30th, 2020  
No wonder we get along so well. I was right there with you thinking about putting human emotions and personalities to non animate objects. I do like the collage.
December 31st, 2020  
great response on your challenge.
December 31st, 2020  
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