Because there was no spot for a week one red, I’m putting that in my main 365 album for today. FACE is red. When I went to grab the week two red that I'd chosen, I accidentally posted the week two ORANGE instead. I didn't realize how much darker it was looking on the computer screen, than what I'd edited on the phone. But just now I looked at the content and realized it was NOT the one I made with the red image. So...
I went onto the phone and lightened it up so that it's not so easily mistaken for red. And I've changed the title and am moving it to the Tuesday slot and posting the real red one on the Monday space.
@Dawn@grammyn@haskar@joysabin Thanks. See my correction above. I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't see the difference and grabbed the orange instead of the actual red. This has been lightened up now. See Monday for the red one.