El capellà de les Roques by monicac

El capellà de les Roques

On Corpus Christi day, there is a parade in the morning called "Invitation parade". This is the main character: a priest whose job is to invite every one to take part in the festivities. He is a real priest, and has done a fantastic job this year. He has explained all the events that are taking place today, not just the strictly religious ones, so that people are more likely to join some. And he seemed to be really enjoying his role, which is really nice (but not always the case, the priest who did it in previous years seemed to be under duress, poor man).
He does seem to be enjoying his role.
June 2nd, 2024  
You’ve captured a lovely a smile
June 2nd, 2024  
An interesting tradition!
June 3rd, 2024  
Great capture.
June 3rd, 2024  
@carole_sandford @rensala @ljmanning @mittens Thanks a lot for your nice comments!
June 3rd, 2024  
He looks to be enjoying himself.
June 3rd, 2024  
@merrelyn He does! A nice change from the previous one, who seemed really miserable. I have no idea how they choose them,but it should be someone who finds pleasure in his role, in my view.
June 4th, 2024  
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