Early 80's Dreamworld by mozette

Early 80's Dreamworld

In the early 1980's the first theme park opened on at Coomera that we could go to - Dreamworld. It was really accessible to us at the time; more accessible than Seaworld (which is on the Spit on the Gold Coast).

The Roller Coaster in the background was called The Thunderbolt and it was the first roller coaster of its kind in Queensland. It stood for a long time - scaring the crud out everyone - and it stayed there as an original part of the theme park until it was deemed unsafe and condemned. Then, another thrill-ride was put in its place. I remember riding it once before it was pulled down and it was a very shaky ride! Painted red, yellow and white, this roller coaster was a brilliant thing to see from the highway and easily spotted when it was in action - especially when it the cars went around the first two loops at the beginning of the ride!

This photo was taken at a time when we could stand outside the fence of Dreamworld... before it became a huge themepark. The people in this photo? Well, there's me (the little redhead), my brother next to my and a friend of ours, Claus. I think we were on our way to the Gold Coast that day.
That was some wild ride back in the day.
November 22nd, 2011  
Great memories. What a good shot!
November 22nd, 2011  
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