Busy Sunday by mozette

Busy Sunday

Woah! Was I busy yesterday!

In the morning, while I was waiting for the laundry to be done, I decided to do a session of varnishing in the car port... this was a good thing. I varnished: 7 pencils, 9 Dolly Pegs and 6 Sprung Pegs. Not a really big lot, but enough to get me working.

I hung out the laundry... there was only one load.

Then, I spent around an hour or so packing up the pencils and pegs in celophane... how fiddly! But it's worth it as they look great!... for the market on the 24th, November.

Then, I made myself a drink and took some photos and hung around online until midday... then jumped back into the Crafty Pegs again while listening to the radio for around 3 hours.
I got 2 pencils finished, 3 Dolly Pegs finished and 2 Sprung Pegs finished. By this time, I was hungry and so decided to work on dinner... um... no, cleaning up. The house was a mess! Yep, put out the rubbish, washed up, tidied... yes... now I live in a house... and then, I pulled in the laundry and turned on the television for noise.

By around 7:30pm, I'd eaten dinner, watched a bit of television - funny stuff mainly - and then gotten back into painting my gear again! I finished at around 9:30pm when I just lost interest, was tired and didn't want to do any more... and seriously, do you blame me?

Nah, neither do I.
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