Creative Markets by mozette

Creative Markets

Today I was up at 5:45am to get myself to Springwood Road State School by 7am. Seeing I was mostly packed up already, it wasn't hard to get two boxes and a cooler into the front seat.

Once there, it took me around half an hour to set up and then I went around to see who had what... there's some talented people out there. There was another peg lady out there, but she stuck things on her pegs and stamped words on hers too; whereas I painted all my work onto the pegs and pencils. This impressed quite a few people; and one guy even said I had cornered a market on art... yay!

A friend of mine - Vivienne Treagus - showed up at around 11am and sat with me until the end of the whole thing with her little daughter, Zoe. We chatted and Zoe chewed on her toes, toys and eveyrthing else, while she dribbled all over us. Then, Mum and Dad showed up and looked around too. Dad was impressed at the set-up and we chatted. Then the organiser of the markets came around to each of us and chatted with each of us... and before we knew it, it was time to pack up!

I had the help of Mum and Dad to get my stuff out to the car in one load... thank goodness... as there was a storm coming. But I couldn't find my house keys! Dad suggested that they were probably in the car... and you know, they were! :P

Now I'm home. I'm stuffed and my feet hurt like nobody's business... but I'd do it all again, as it's so much fun to be the seller as well as the retailer.
Well it sounds like it was a great day, and hopefully it was a successful one for everyone
November 24th, 2013  
@digitalrn It was... and it was so, so humid! Even though we were indoors, there wasn't much of a breeze coming through the windows! How dreadful! I was using my laminated price sheet as a fan (next time, I'll actually take a fan!) and people were fanning themselves.

Otherwise, I broke even and covered the rent on my stall and then made a profit of $3.00! For my first stall, that's not too bad. But it did have it's ups and downs. I had a lady (around 60 or so) steal on of my pencils - what? She couldn't spare $2.00? - and a 7 year old eyed off my foot tall Christmas Tree, then lied about wanting to take it... right up until his Mum busted him... golden! :D
November 25th, 2013  
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