one more for "get pushed"... this weeks challenge set by Junko (@jyokota): "capture a macro nature shot and post it without editing anything", to "use (my) camera settings to produce (the) image instead of relying on post-production editing"
this is a dead leaf... sitting on my chess board... lit by my faithful ikea lamp... as i was once again deprived of daylight time for crawling around in the yard...
shot in jpeg... no post processing... i was working on another faux double exposure shot tonight but it didn't come out right and i am too tired to try again...
i seem to have fallen appallingly behind in the commenting department... hoping to have time tomorrow night to get caught up with everyone... happy Friday!
It's a great macro and the lighting makes it all quite mysterious. I thought it might be an insect wing until I read your commentary. Have a good weekend!