ever see something that feels familiar... only you know you've only ever seen it in a dream?
(this is not overly etsooi btw... any guesses as to what it is?)
updating with some explanation :) so, those who guessed water and masts are basically correct... it's the flipped reflection of sailboats lined up at a marina... the full image, processed with a different preset, is on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/northy44/15536327701/
as an aside, this image "haunted by a dream" inexplicably was "explored" and is currently sitting at some 490+ favs on flickr... this is completely freaking me out...
this has somewhat more oomph big on black...
tx everyone for the wonderful comments and the favs on yesterday's balloon shot... figures one of my rare forays into colour would make it onto PP ;p
6 second exposure, f22, it's definitely verticle ICM, my guess would have been a hair brush also. Second guess would be ICM on dead trees (not people) @summerfield but I've done trees, this aint them. ;-) I'm at a loss as to my next guess.