Crocus by novab


Spring has finally arrived in Nova Scotia. The flowers are making their appearance know to anyone who willing to look. I've been diligently sprinkling cayenne pepper around the flowers to keep the deer from munching on them and it seems to be working.

Thanks for stopping by & have a great day!

SO beautiful!! Great clarity. Totally a FAV!
April 13th, 2022  
April 13th, 2022  
Wonderful perspective, depth of field and fine detail Nova, Fav:)
April 13th, 2022  
A welcome sight no doubt.
April 13th, 2022  
April 14th, 2022  
It is so cheering to see those first spring flowers. Love your image details and colors.
April 14th, 2022  
April 14th, 2022  
Wonderful color!
April 14th, 2022  
What a lovely image of Spring!
April 14th, 2022  
Lovely clear capture of these flowers.
April 14th, 2022  
A gorgeous image of these lovely flowers.
April 14th, 2022  
Lovely sing of spring.
April 15th, 2022  
Great pov!
April 19th, 2022  
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