Grandson, Will, enjoying a little guy time with granddaddy last weekend.
Three Good Things:
1. A phone call from Harper yesterday asking when she could come for a sleepover...without 'buddy' (Will)
2. I suggested this weekend and Harper declared that was 'just a little too long to wait'. However, when I suggested Friday, she was quite happy. Friday is so much sooner than the weekend. ☺
3. Getting the right amount of personal attention
Oh Peggyhow smart that littke man looks! I love his beautiful touchy feely looking......great textures! He is a real little boy! Friday is of course so much nearer than the weekend, thought you would know that Gran/ nan / grandma?
The moment I'd just scrolled past the yes, I knew you'd share a photo of Will! What a little sweetheart, and a darling photo! Our Ashton (Harper's age) wouldn't be up for a sleepover yet... I suspect little girls have a softer side that is drawn to that before a little boy would be. (At least that's what I'd like to think!)