A filler shot from the files to avoid a blank space in my album. February is National Cherry month so this has some relevance, I suppose. ☺
I've fallen way behind on commenting...but plan a catch up session while watching the Academy Awards tonight.
Three Good Things:
1. My niece and great-nephew are brand new residents in Charlotte. So good to have them living here!
2. Fountain pens
3. Normal winter temps...the recent arctic cold snap has come to an end
Beautifully photographed to blend in so that the cherries are a stand out! And your "good things" list didn't go unnoticed... Like you, I adore Fountain Pens and the personality of the scribe that flows from them! Sadly, the art is lost for the present, though I'm betting there will be an artistic few who will someday take classes in how to use a fountain pen! (Of course, that's currently "Calligraphy" and all it's elevated "artisticness" but "good ol' handwriting" would be lovely to revive!)
@Weezilou I think I was a scribe in a former life, Louise. I love the flow of ink on paper. I use a fountain pen for even the most mundane jottings...like grocery lists and to-do lists. ☺