Downy Woodpecker by peggysirk

Downy Woodpecker

This little woodpecker is a frequent visitor to the feeder. Downy woodpeckers are the smallest woodpeckers in North America. I was pleased to read that the 'climate vulnerability' of these little guys is ranked as 'stable'.
I tried this photo in black and white, but the subject kind of disappeared. The woodpecker can represent B&W on its own.
Three Good Things:
1. Will's basketball team is on to the Championship game tomorrow night. Go Nets!
2. Harper was recognized at school for her leadership and academic skills. Go Harper!
3. Will scored the game winning basket (16-15) in last night's round 2 game. Go Will!
Your two grandchildren are coming up trumps Peggy…perhaps an unfortunate word to use depending….🤣🤣
Your downy woodpecker has got a sumptuous tea there, a varied choice of seeds.
February 16th, 2022  
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