Cirrocumulus Soapsuds by peggysirk

Cirrocumulus Soapsuds

It looks like clouds, but it's actually the view from the driver's seat of my car going through the carwash. My first visit with my new unlimited wash program...a brilliant decision on my part between pollen season and year-round city grime. I'll be back next week.
Three Good Things:
1. A car that doesn't look like a giant pollen covered bumblebee
2. A day of yardwork in gorgeous sunshine
3. Hamburgers on the grill
LOL! You get the award for the most creative post recently! It's actually a really neat picture too! :)
March 6th, 2023  
Ihavek lybeen through a car wash once like this & it was quite unnerving! I’m goi g to have mine washed tomorrow, it’s filthy & salt underneath too I guess!
March 6th, 2023  
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