Three things I like about this picture by phmlq

Three things I like about this picture

Well, that's a crappy one... wait, it sounds familiar. Have I said it before? Oh, right, that was just yesterday.

oK, then no excuses. Instead, I'm going to say three things I like about this picture:

1. What I like the most is that it was taken. If there was no 365 project, this day would end up with no picture at all. So, even if it's not perfect or even good, it's definitely better than nothing.

2. There were no preparation at all, I had no light, no tripod (why does this also sounds familiar?), no remote shutter, no idea, no time and I only had a macro lens with me, but with a little inventiveness I still somehow managed to take it and it's not even very blurry.

3. I walked this street almost every evening last week and I never thought it worth a shot. It was just another street with a lot of cars and some old buildings. But this time it was like, 'oK, I'm capturing something around here or I'm just not capturing anything at all'. Then I looked at the street and though, 'It's actually pretty nice, why not this?' So, this need for a shot just made me take a fresh look at the familiar environment.

...and 4. I know only promised three, but don't you think it's cool to exceed expectations? I do. So, another thing I like about this photo is I know it could have been better. There could be some big neon shawarma street sign or some blurry strangers on the right trying to cross the street, which would really spice it up a little and add a little story. And it wouldn't actually take a lot of efforts. Probably, a little observation walk or even just waiting for someone or something to get in front. And I guess with this small piece of newfound knowledge my next night picture of some other or probably even this particular street should be a little better.
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