Space Invader by phmlq

Space Invader

As long as I started the insects theme, here's another one.

This all started a couple of years ago when I saw a picture of a water strider on a photo exhibition and I thought: «Oh, my god, this is so simple! Thousands of these little creatures live at the river next to my grandma's country house and I was terrified of them as a little kid, but I've never thought of them as of something you can take pictures of. I should definitely try».

Since then I've always kept this thought in the back of my mind, but I'd never tried until yesterday, when got to my grandma's feeling like experimenting. And I did experiment and came up with a bunch of awful pictures I'm not going to show you. But they were absolutely necessary. To see what was happening there, to understand these creatures a little, to explore the location and to get what could work and what wasn't working at all.

So, today I came there again being more or less prepared. And came up with a couple of much better pictures, one of which you can see.

Obviously, it could've been better, but I still like it for the impression it makes. It looks (at least to me) like something totally different from what it really is. Like some space invader sliding somewhere among northern lights. And maybe it's all just a silly game of my sick imagination. But I'm still really glad I made this experiment.
I do like the colours morphing across as a background
September 19th, 2019  
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