• August 2024

3rd Aug 2024 - IMG_8521 Moon Vine four blooms
8th Aug 2024 - LHG_2601Hummer  finds peacock bloom
9th Aug 2024 - LHG_2719Green Lynx spider
10th Aug 2024 - LHG_2797Hummer sips lantana
11th Aug 2024 - LHG_2790 Cloudless sulphur
12th Aug 2024 - LHG_2804pipevine swallowtail
13th Aug 2024 - LHG_2835 Eastern tiger swallowtail
14th Aug 2024 - LHG_2748 Blue dragon
16th Aug 2024 - IMG_8575 Anole finds hibiscus
17th Aug 2024 - LHG_2951Twin fawns
18th Aug 2024 - LHG_3039 Lil Blue flys across
20th Aug 2024 - LHG_3287Turtle head in the crevace
21st Aug 2024 - LHG_3296Eastern tiger in flight
22nd Aug 2024 - LHG_3211Great Egret before sunrise feeding
23rd Aug 2024 - LHG_3237Kingfisher in the moring sunglow
24th Aug 2024 - LHG_3331White banded fishing spider
26th Aug 2024 - LHG_3169Three dragons
27th Aug 2024 - IMG_8609 Black-staining Polypore