Busy busy busy  by sarah19

Busy busy busy

So we're having quite a productive time stripping wallpaper in the sitting room at mum and dad's house.
Still feeling like home with siblings and lots of lovely memories.
Three good things
1. Great progress and soon the walls will be ready for new paper.
2. Lovely afternoon when the job was done, lunch in Dornoch and a few special shops to explore.
3. Greens....the most special restaurant in Tain, with our friend Morag who knows everyone in town. Fabulous food together and then Sheila and Kate headed to Inverness where they have flights to London in the morning.
Quiet house and early to bed.
Sounds like a good job done. Well done all!
February 17th, 2024  
Careful with those steps! We are all not as agile as we were as youngsters. Good for you, though!
February 17th, 2024  
Looks like a big job, so nice you've made good progress.
February 18th, 2024  
Sounds busy but productive. Nice capture of people at work!
February 18th, 2024  
I love this image!
February 18th, 2024  
I love how the lady, your sister?, is on two steps and tippy toes to reach the picture rail!
February 18th, 2024  
@busylady @maggiemae @dide @jamibann @casablanca @countrylassie
Thank you for your lovely comments 😊😊
It felt like a big job ahead when I got there on Thursday, but three on Friday and four on Saturday made a lot of difference 😄
February 18th, 2024  
Many hands make light work!
A lovely family getting together!
February 18th, 2024  
Such a great thing to be doing together as a family
February 18th, 2024  
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