Broken Jetty by seacreature

Broken Jetty

I'm like a broken jetty myself today. Took a serious tumble on the concrete path around the marina this morning on the morning dog walk. Landed on my left knee and wrist, so having difficulty walking and using my hand properly. But the worst is that my face smashed into the pointed rocks on the path just missing my eye, so I have a very swollen face and a shiner of note. Grateful that the my cheek hit the rock instead of my eye! Even worse is my camera smashing to the concrete with a sickening crash - but it seems to be working still I think!
Goodness. That was a bad fall. Cameras do make sickening crash when they fall. So do people. I hope nothing is seriously wrong with you or your camera.
January 26th, 2018  
Oh my gosh that sounds terrible and painful! So glad you’re okay. Did you get tangled up with one of your dogs? I hope you didn’t fracture anything especially in your wrist. Can happen so easily when you reach out to catch yourself.
January 26th, 2018  
Oh no Desi that is terrible! So lucky you didn't damage your eye, but you must be so sore... This image is stunning though - love the stillness and reflections. Hope you feel better soon. (Arnica will help with the bruising)
January 26th, 2018  
Sorry about your fall Desi. I fell over in Brisbane just over 2 months ago & am still feeling the effects. It gives the bods a big shock when you get older!! Hope you heal fast!!
January 26th, 2018  
not good to hear - we don't bounce like we used to. Do please get yourself checked out - an unknown break will only cause more suffering down the line.
January 26th, 2018  
This is a wonderful shot Desi, sorry that you paid such a price to achieve it. Good wishes for speedy healing of all the damage
January 27th, 2018  
@meotzi @beckyk365 @narayani @777margo @anniesue @365anne
Thank you all for the good wishes. No I didn't get tangled up with the dogs. I just stumbled. No idea why or what caused me to stumble - I didn't see anything unusual in the path. I will get myself checked out if I am not healing by Monday. My eye looks a lot worse today, and the swelling on my face is slightly obstructing my vision, but my wrist and knee are feeling better, so I do believe I will be okay.
January 27th, 2018  
Ouch! That must hurt a lot. Sorry to hear.
January 27th, 2018  
Ooh! This sounds rather uncomfortable, do take care. I had a bad fall/collapse 4 years ago and survived with significantly diminished hearing, smell and taste. I'm alive and I'm OK. You will be too. Take care and steady as you go...
January 29th, 2018  
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