little guy high keyed and reflected by summerfield

little guy high keyed and reflected

speaks for itself, yes? my other ideas didn't work, at least not today. weekend is a different story for me when it comes to creativity. no, not really. i'm just saying that to give myself some encouragement.

a friend here on 365 has decided to quit. her photography has taken a few steps up plus she's a busy mom and she has other stuff on her plate. not happy to see her go, but glad that we've met and hopefully we'll stay in touch.

thank you for your kind visits and comments; know that they are greatly appreciated.
@bill_fe - my #4 :-)
August 14th, 2015  
Oh, I am so sorry about your friend! I know how disappointing it can be when someone you truly enjoy following stops!

High key and reflected works very well for a very different look! Looking forward to your week end creativity! ;~}
August 14th, 2015  
Nice done!!
August 14th, 2015  
You've got the best stash of props for your photos! I know how you feel about losing a friend here. I can't imagine just cutting the strings and walking away!
August 14th, 2015  
As someone I know says: Aces. wonderful reflection. Sorry to hear your friend is leaving.
August 14th, 2015  
@bill_fe - it's JT. didn't you see her post today? :-(
August 14th, 2015  
This is just fabulous. It's always sad when a fellow photographer has to move on due to other commitments.
August 14th, 2015  
You did a great job with this one! You know, sometimes I wonder when it will be the right time to move on as much as I love this place and all the people I have met here! However, it is a big time drain, and at times I feel that other parts of my life and/or career at getting the short shrift! And, then, there is the part where for all the time that you are putting into this you also want to be making a living off of it.....hmmm, not sure where this is going...
August 14th, 2015  
Sad to lose a pal, hopefully you will keep in touch.... perhaps you (and others) will be missed and they will come back. We all have times when it is a bit harder to keep the commitment going, but I would miss it terribly. I was truly delighted to meet you in person and relish seeing your work. After all that I love the pic and look forward to the weekend and seeing what you come up with.
August 14th, 2015  
@summerfield No, I didn't see her post until just now. :-(
August 14th, 2015  
I see no one mentioned how incredibly awesome this looks on black. It deserves to be on the PP.
August 14th, 2015  
I love the negative space on this and I'm a sucker for reflections too!
BTW thank you for your continuing support and interest in my project.
I've decided to go through the people I 'follow' and discovered that many of them are no longer active. A bit of a tidy up has reduced them to a more manageable number. Shame I can't do same with 'followers' as many of them have been inactive for many months.
August 14th, 2015  
This is a total turn around!
August 14th, 2015  
Very well done
August 14th, 2015  
Well, he's a stand out on white and your week's worth of his photos looks good so far. Don't be so tough on yourself! You are quite creative but you also know there are days when you just can't give it the 100% that you want to. Sorry about your friend- people come on here, and move on for different reasons. It really has to be about what's best for you, otherwise it's not any fun.
August 14th, 2015  
Hello, I am Kathy, your get pushed partner this week. I looked at your great photos and your list of challenges. You have been pushed in every direction! I will make this one simple. Make a photo emphasizing color and texture. Accept?
August 15th, 2015  
Love this! Totally different treatment than the other shots this week.

Of COURSE we can stay in touch. I'd like that very much. So would the boy. He's asked when we're going to take pics together again.
August 15th, 2015  
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