Avengers Assemble! by taiwandaily

Avengers Assemble!

A few posts ago I mentioned how many of the special foods in the night market that Taiwanese love, are actually foreign foods, just many don't know that they are foreign foods. The above is a great example of this. Shawarma has been very popular in Taiwan night markets for over a decade. It started with one foreigner many many years ago who had one stand, and then Taiwanese took (stole?) the idea and ran with it. It has gotten to the point where every night market island wide has a shawarma stand.

I never knew the word "shawarma" until I saw the Avengers movie. Before then I just always called it "sandwhich guy/lady" depending on who worked at the one closest to my house. Since learning the name, I have found out from a few americans that it has gotten more and more popular in the sates over the last few years. Superheroes, is there anything they can't teach us?
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