They Got Me by taiwandaily

They Got Me

I'm the type of person who hates advertisements of any kind. For me watching them is a form of punishment. In fact for those products that I am not so informed about and haven't taken the time to yet research, if I have to decide between a few, I will choose the product that I have never seen an ad for. As if it's a reward for them not polluting my life.

Since ads always seem to have this perception that people are stupid, it makes me wonder are humans inherently stupid, or are we stupid because the media targets us as being stupid. How to be smart if everything we imbibe is essentially "stupid"?

Regardless, I must admit that on this one day, they got me. I was having a meeting with a friend at the food court in the train station. When she was off getting her food, my eyes were fixed on this tv showing ads for the mall. The reason I was watching? Because the tv was turned vertically. That's it. Granted I really couldn't tell you what any of the ads were for. I was more just interested how they designed their adds to appear on a vertical screen without looking horrible.

I felt kind of bad for being so easily captivated, but in a era where everything is 16:9 it was great to see something in a different perspective. It also got me thinking about the days of old 4:3 tv's and then what the screens (if any) will be like in the future. Hopefully the future will be ad free.

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